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Essays 1 - 30

Judge's Role in US Plea Bargaining Process

This paper examines the diminishing role of the judge in the American plea bargaining process in 5 pages. Two sources are cited i...

Argument: We Should Reduce the Use of Plea Bargaining

of the process but refute others (LaFree, 1985). Specifically, defendants that were more "criminally experienced," as well as thos...

Plea Bargaining

This 12-page paper deals with the effect of plea bargaining on the criminal justice system. It argues that the relatively new pra...

Criminal JusticeIV

Another advantage of plea bargaining is that it allows prosecutors to dispatch cases quickly, freeing time and resources to fully ...

Judicial Appeal for a Minimum Municipal Court Light Sentence

at the wrong time"), it would be counterproductive both to my brother and to the community to remove him completely from any oppor...

Judges in the Bible

through weak judges" (Malick, 2009). Clearly, in light of this, they were only men, for the most part, and they attempted to creat...

The Case of Campagnola V. Mulholland, Minion & Roe and Its’ Relevance Within The Legal System

included the presence of the contingency fee; that the firm would receive one third of any money recovered to compensate her for h...

Law Enforcement and Collective Bargaining

private industry employees, law enforcement officials began wondering why they should not be receiving similar rewards. In privat...

Justic and Ethics IV

possibility that he could be acquitted and go free. He needs an attorney who will advise him properly. In Mr. K, Defendant B doe...

The Practice of Plea Bargaining Should End

for the suspect as well. For the guilty, it allows for a reduced gamble. That is, the guilty defendant can take a plea and get out...

Are Plea Bargains Just?

An estimated ninety-five percent of criminal convictions occur through the plea bargaining process (Watkins, 2004). Plea bargaini...

Overview of Plea Bargaining

are a process, which usually includes a defendant "pleading guilty to a lesser offense" and thereby receiving a lighter sentence t...

Judges, Juries, and Sentencing in Criminal Justice

The American legal system revolves around two primary players when it comes to criminal sentencing. These players are the...

Case Information About Specific Crimes

can detain and frisk suspects if they have a reasonable suspicion that criminal behaviors have or will occur. The case found that...

Plea Bargaining Advantages and Disadvantages

This paper consists of ten pages and assesses the positive and negative aspects of plea bargaining with specific cases discussed. ...

Need for Changes in Plea Bargaining

In five pages this essay argues that plea bargaining as it presently exists in the criminal justice system is ineffective and prop...

Criminal Justice System and Plea Bargaining

In six pages this essay argues against the option of plea bargaining for sex offenders and violent criminals with the Megan Kanka ...

Overview of Plea Bargaining

This paper consists of nine pages and defines plea bargaining in an overview of this criminal justice procedure. Seven sources ar...

Does Plea Bargaining Work Successfully?

In fifteen pages this research paper discusses whether or not plea bargaining successfully upholds justice or merely serves to und...

Three Legal Questions

accused and the prosecutor takes two forms in the United States: a charge bargain and a sentence bargain. The former lessens the ...

Plea Bargaining

to be effective; if the defendant fails in his commitment to his rehabilitation, he will find himself facing the jail sentence. ...

Collective Bargaining's Contemporary Social Role

In six pages this paper discusses contemporary society in a consideration of collective bargaining's role. Eight sources are list...

System of Criminal Justice and the Judge's Role

make it more likely that he or she will be convicted. If in fact the person is wrongly arrested due to the color of his skin or so...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

Business Plans and Their Importance

In forty five pages this paper discusses company developmental processes and the important role business plans play....

Overview of the Corrupt Bargain of 1824

a down to earth individual and apparently completely opposite from any other president. "He was also extremely popular among the p...

US Supreme Court and Women

are clearly in the minority. There seems to be less women taking judgeships in the high courts, even though there are increasing...

U.S. System of Criminal Justice, Ethnicity, and Race

perspective is that OJ Simpson was tried by a jury of his peers. There was an Asian judge and a jury made up of minorities. The pr...

A Fable

before. When she was 17 and he was 20, he asked her to marry him. Thrilled, she said yes. But there was another man in the househ...

U.S. Workforce and the Role of African American Women

In 3 pages this paper discusses how women's involvement in the U.S. labor force was profoundly influenced by the role of African A...