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Essays 1 - 28

Junichi Saga's Memories of Silk and Straw A Self-Portrait of Small Town Japan

as men. It seems, especially after reading the stories in Memories of Silk And Straw, that the class distinction and level of pov...

Comparing Small Town Living to Metropolitan Lifestyle

type of entertainment depends on a larger population to be successful. It is highly unlikely that a person would be able to see a...

Main Street by Sinclair Lewis

In two pages this paper examines how American small town life is unsympathetically portrayed in Main Street by Sinclair Lewis....

Lanford Wilson/Rimers of Eldritch

A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses Lanford Wilson's play Rimers of Eldritch, which, on the surface, concerns a murder ...

Self Portrait with a Straw Hat Painting by Vincent Van Gogh

This self portrait by Vincent Van Gogh is analyzed in a paper consisting of five pages with what it reveals about the artist being...

Role of Women in Three Norse Sagas

This paper discusses the role of women in three Norse sagas. The writer argues that "Njal's Saga" and "Laxdaela's S...

My Community's Racial Overtones

live in a town overrun by religious zealots with little tolerance for anyone who is not of their ilk. Native Americans are more a...

Thematic Conflict in John Nichols' The Milagro Beanfield War

with immediate commercial success, however, it was later transferred to screen with a film adaptation, indicating the real value t...

The Art of Alice Neel

and the paintbrush she holds. Small touches of red in her face and in the shadows of her neck and legs, punch up the contrast of ...

Boghossian and Tyler Burge on Self Knowledg

In five pages this paper examines how self knowledge is represented in Content and Self Knowledge by Boghossian and Memory and Sel...

Self Portrait of Henry James in The Portrait of a Lady

In ten pages this report discusses how the characterizations within the novel The Portrait of a Lady actually represents a portrai...

John Dower's Embracing Defeat

Postwar Japan's development as presented by John Dower in Embracing Defeat is examined in a paper consisting of five pages....

The Benefits of the Silk Route and Potential Influences on Chinas' Stability

the real value of the road may be appreciated. The initial transactions were based n trade, while silk was a desired product; th...

Fayum Portraits

as to whether or not they actually resembled the deceased to any greater degree. Analyses of the paintings shows that they are oft...

Ancient Art

Both are clearly made of very different materials. The Head of a Roman Patrician is carved from marble and is thus a three dimensi...

Memory Development

of studies demonstrate the need for instruction in learning basic concepts during the early years. The investigations related to ...

Dedam, MA in Phoenix Sun's Newspaper Headlines

In five pages this paper examines Phoenix Sun newspaper headlines pertaining to this Eastern Massachusetts town....

The Importance of Memory in Beloved by Toni Morrison

While they were feeling the freedom of loving themselves, they were growing in their own appreciation of each other and placing a ...

Contemporary Military of Japan

essential to the maintenance of the elaborate feudal system as well as the imperial dynasty. A collective heritage is part of soc...

E. Patricia Tsurumi's "Factory Girls" - Social And Historic Conditions Of Women In Japan And The United States

been done. From the early modern age, Japan has maintained a strong sense of uniformity when it has come to the cultural foundati...

The True Impact of Disrupting Small Town America Inner City Ghetto or Native American Traditional Lands

This paper discusses the disintegration of cultural tradition as it relates to the physical disruption of people's communities and...

Love in a Small Town by Wang Anyi

sees the cultural upheavals which have befallen the mainland in its over forty years under socialism as a backdrop, not a major pl...

1999 Alaskan Small Town in Headlines

gov 12/29 Alternative celebrations planned - most stay home...

West Texas Small Town and Football

any crowd that ever showed up for professional football games. Just what causes this excitement over high school football, and ...

Small Town Recreation Director Functions

this is a job that would be easily fulfilled, it might be well to do a little more research into what the requirements can actuall...

Expanding into Small Towns: A Different Strategy for Wal-Mart

is not the presence or direct action of Wal-Mart, but rather its effect on the local economy combined with its pattern of predator...

The Impact of Global Branding in a Small Town

life! (Kotelr, 2003) In considering the different interpretation that may be given to a message, as well as the different e...