YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Juvenile Delinquency Assessment
Essays 1 - 30
In four pages the use of government funds in the treatment and prevention of juvenile delinquency is assessed in order to determin...
cultures norms in achieving those goals (Robert Merton: Anomie Theory, 2008). One could perhaps state that, as an example, the soc...
riotous behavior inasmuch as students contend their rights are being violated by the limitation. The issue at hand, points ...
use is a prevalent factor in the school setting is intrinsically related to social elements, a point the authors illustrate by exa...
In ten pages this research proposal assesses the recidivism impacts and success rates of juvenile delinquency programs versus juve...
In fifteen pages this paper examines juvenile delinquency in a consideration of the relationship between youth crime incidence and...
In fifteen pages this hypothetical study looks at the link between divorce and juvenile delinquency and includs an abstract, intro...
In ten pages the Action Plan of the OJJDP is examined in a step by step analysis with juvenile delinquency causal theory also disc...
In twelve pages this paper examines how juvenile delinquency and domestic violence increases are affected by substance abuse in th...
In ten pages this research study proposal considers whether or not single parent households are responsible for the increases in j...
In seven pages this report discusses contributing factors of juvenile delinquency and discusses how it is defined within the crimi...
social factors can be used as the best method to explain juvenile delinquency. Differential Association In 1939 Criminologist Edw...
In five pages this paper argues against punishing parents for juvenile delinquent behavior of their children but does strongly rec...
In fifteen pages this paper examines the current state of juvenile delinquency in America in a consideration of various treatments...
In eight pages this paper examines child behavior and juvenile delinquency with a consideration of parental roles and influences u...
In ten pages this paper examines the linkage between juvenile delinquency and illiteracy. Ten sources are cited in the bibliograp...
by which to vent their anger, which can translate into juvenile delinquency. It is important for the student to realize that aggr...
is an eternity to teenagers. It was his intention to tell the story of a generation coming of age in one night" (Hyams et al PG)....
achievement and follow a child into his or her adulthood (Ensign, Scherman, and Clark, 1998). Authors such as Wooten (1959), Vold...
contributing to delinquent behavior it may be nearly impossible to formulate an appropriate and meaningful intervention or treatme...
an individual level rather than a collective level. Not only will children be dealt with one on one they will be dealt with by ca...
compel them to seek solutions to their problems though such activities as gang membership (xvi). The authors go on to show that ...
as functionalism also felt that "criminality is not a quality inherent in an act or a person but rather a phenomenon defined by a ...
reported a higher level of delinquent behavior than did females. Males in grade nine reported higher levels of delinquency than di...
juveniles, however, in this paper the student wants to consider the female juveniles only. There are a range of theorists,...
who find themselves on the wrong side of the law as adults is the most effective means for accomplishing that goal. Those who opp...
if the child in question has been the victim themselves and in such cases recommends a course of treatment rather than incarcerati...
mechanisms of attachment and supervision (2002). These things demonstrate a relationship between elements such as parental unempl...
duplicated in the behaviors of youths. Through an analytical assessment of the current literature and an integrated view of the r...
experienced some form of abuse - whether sexual, physical and/or emotional (Juvenile Justice Experts Should Focus on Girls Unique ...