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Juvenile Justice Diversion Programs - Their Importance

States was developed to contend with the operational responsibilities of dealing with the punishment of crimes commissioned by adu...


a result, non-profit and private organizations have tried to step forward to provide diversion programs, or alternates, to incarce...

Juvenile Justice: The Importance of Separating Juveniles and Adults

is societally acceptable to that which is societally reprehensible. There is, of course, no one place to lodge the blame for juve...

Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Study:

vary somewhat from state to state, juvenile justice typically has a similar protocol. At the time a juvenile is arrested, a decis...

Fully Restorative Programs

An 18 page paper which summarizes 3 separate textbooks which analyze fully restorative programs as they relate to the field of ju...

Comparisons Between Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice

idea that juvenile offenders needed to be handled different from adult offenders; as the goal was to retrain the child toward more...

Artticle Review Diversion Profiling

court that was supervised by the judge. Another group where sentences could be given that would include fines or warnings and fina...

The Explorers Program as a Preventative Measure in Juvenile Delinquency

This thirty page paper presents an overview of the Explorers Program, a program that allows juveniles to accompany police officers...

Process of Juvenile Justice

punishment under the law, however, and it has occurred a number of times. In fact, the death penalty has seen resurgence. ...

Juvenile Justice Programs, A Success to Build Upon

is one of personal lifestyle choice, such as a choice to continue a family tradition of gang affiliation, for instance. The model ...

The Reduction in Criminal Offences After Adolescence

of the frequency of their transgressions, as opposed to seriousness, it is also true that only certain types of juveniles are like...

Problems with the Juvenile System in America

publications. Statistics, however, are not the most important thing when we are considering how to treat the problem. A prerequi...

Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Courts

In 1899, the first juvenile court case was heard in Chicago as authorized by the Illinois Juvenile Court Act (Penn, 2001). The ju...

Reducing Recidivism, Lancaster, et al (2011)

fails to perform the mandated service (Barkan and Bryjak, 2011). Other strategies include house arrest, with electronic monitoring...

'Settling the Red Planet' and the Text by Zubrin and Wagner

The space program importance of exploring Mars is examined in this textual consideration of the book by Zubrin and Wagner consisti...

Programs Targeting Juvenile Crime

gets into trouble in the future, however, they are subject to sentencing as an adult (Montagne, 2000). There are certain ...

Juvenile And Adult Court: Comparison

5) have a court transcript proceedings and 6) appeal (Dane County Clerk of Courts, 2006). The one most distinguishing difference b...

Welfare State, Power Transformation, and Managerialism

for various programs and those who are involved in these programs. Most of the incentives fall for the department themselves, shif...

Juvenile Offenders and Treatment Options

The juvenile justice system and success treatment program implementations are discussed in thirteen pages. Ten sources are cited ...

Juvenile Corrections and Probation

in group settings, these community-based probation programs ensure public protection in ways not possible using standard casework ...

Massachusetts Program of Juvenile Courts and Crime Prevention Policy

amounted to youth prisons in the guise of "training" or "reform" schools, Massachusetts formulated the necessary policies for a sy...

North Carolin's Justice

of age or older at the time the juvenile allegedly committed an offense that would be a felony if committed by an adult. If the al...

Issues Pertaining to Juvenile Court System

This paper discusses the aspects of the juvenile justice system that are working effectively and those aspects that need improveme...

Juvenile Crime Programs

Juvenile justice models are considered in an overview consisting of seven pages in which the community corrections approach to juv...

Understanding and Addressing Juvenile Crime

accepting the fact that juvenile crime is increasing not decreasing and the seriousness of the types of crimes that are being comm...

A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Courts

that a ten year old can be prosecuted for murder. In contemplating this issue, it pays to take a look at the juvenile justice syst...

H.R. 863 Congressional Bill of 2001

not been easy. It has been on the agenda for several years for congress (Voegtlin, 1998), and there has been an inclusion of the ...

Prison and Juveniles

and as a result of this, there was a change in the way that the courts (read..judges) were to view juvenile offenders. For particu...

Delinquency Concept Evaluation

This usually involves some type of probation arrangement or counseling/treatment (The Center for Young Womens Development Handbook...

Community Programs and Juvenile Delinquency

do acknowledge that targeted community-based programs can help by offering troubled youth a place to hang out, go to in event of f...