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Essays 211 - 240

Tennessee Eviction Proceedings

end of November. In January 2003, they gave to the landlords agent (another tenant on the same property) a check for $700, which ...

A Legal Courtroom Visit

the description of the room itself and the way the people orient to that room. There is, for example, the distinct separation of ...

Changing the Scottish Evidence Rules

be heard. The opposite to this is an inquisition system, where there are not different sides, but the aim of finding the truth. Al...

Defense of a Telemarketer

Paul has another option, that of claiming the right of self-defense or self-preservation. This is the right of any individual unde...

An Overview of an Unjust Law California's Three Strikes Law

committed the act, if their felony falls into certain categories, if they were deemed mature enough to understand their sentence a...

Weber's Law Function and Roe v. Wade

she wants with her own body. Further, the law is based on religious notions, or notions that go to personal belief. Essentially, ...

2004 Unborn Victims of Violence Act and its Impact

legal status to the embryo, fetus or fertilized egg, and it may be enforced even in the case when the woman did not know of the pr...

Dow Jones and Company Inc. v. Gutnick Interpretation

jurisdiction once the propounded long-arm rule is found valid and applicable" (quoted SRiMedia, 2002). There are two major...

Child Spanking and Canadian Law

found. First Reason The first reason for objecting to spanking is that the line between it and child abuse can become blurred. ...

Reviewing the International Criminal Court

a pivotal player in the precursors to the ICC. The Geneva Convention, signed into effect in 1864, was one of these precursors. I...

Law and Crime Scene Investigation

blood to Clyde Stevens. On the basis of this and associated evidence from the Stevens and Ellis residences, an arrest warrant is i...

Educational Law, Cases, and Issues

school district and some question as to whether the deletion of information resulted in a violation of student rights. The United...

Representation and US Voting Rights

the Florida recount), the Court ruled that the "individual citizen . . . has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors ...

Conflict of Law - A Summary of Issues

In a paper of seven pages, the writer looks at conflict of law. A variety of key issues are explored, including jurisdiction and r...

The Role of Law

system such as due to the cost. However, the law may also have a positive influence; it may support social changes which are neede...

Drawing Case Law/A Case Synthesis Exercise

prevents a substantial possibility of survival" (Moulton v. Ginocchio). In this case Samuel Ginocchio dismissed a patient complain...

Positivist Law and Natural Law

two very separate subjects. However, there are a number of laws where there are no apparent sanctions non-compliance, therefore s...

America's Law Enforcement/Mental Health Project/Speaker notes

This paper presents the speaker notes to khmhclaw.ppt, which is a PowerPoint presentation on US Senate bill 1865, America's Law En...

German Criminal Justice System

This research paper discusses aspects of Germany's criminal justice system, such as relevant history, legal traditions, relevant l...

Due-on-Sale in Michigan

"Except for a residential window period loan, a lender may enforce a due-on-sale clause in a real property loan in accordance with...

A Look at a New Kind of Family Law

wedlock have changed the face of society, as well as posing problems for the legal system. This paper considers three matters: how...

Polygamy Among the Latter Day Saints

Polygamy, the practice of having more than one spouse, has been practiced by numerous peoples over time. In contemporary times, h...

Comparison of Scots Law with Sharia Law

Majestatem, which was heavily influenced by Glanvills English law treatise, but it demonstrates the many sources of Scottish law a...

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Black Rights

whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction...

English Law and the Creation of Certainty in the Trading Relationship

to be excluded by terms in contracts, such as the potential to expressly exclude the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999,...

McDonald's And Obesity

the company with violating the Consumer Protection Act when their ads focused on the toys that came with the Happy Meal (Burke 200...

Reducing Overtime For Officers Appearing In Court

no one who has been issued a citation will know if his or her officer will be called to show up in court or merely file a statemen...

Courtroom Role of Law Enforcement Officers

subpoenaed to testify during this trial and his professional, well-documented testimony was instrumental in securing the convictio...

Aging Population's Impact on Adult Education

no longer the rule and the part-time student population is increasingly made up of adults who are older than the traditional 18 to...

Adult Learning Theories

the learner is involved in reflection. This essay will discuss several learning theories. The essay does not make any specific c...