YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Juveniles and the Impact of Gang Culture

Essays 1 - 30

Juveniles and the Impact of Gang Culture

In ten pages this paper examines how adolescents are affected by gang membership and culture. Six sources are listed in the bibli...

Street Gangs and Juvenile Delinquency

not career criminals. While the label does have a negative connotation, it is not the same as calling someone a murderer or a thie...

Juvenile Gang Activity

While gangs are a part and parcel of the culture today, the concept of juvenile delinquency is rather elusive. Many do not dub chi...

Critically Examining America's Juvenile Gangs

also by engaging in certain activities or behavior patterns (1999). Also, gangs are universally loyal to their neighborhood, and ...

How to Prevent Youth Recruitment by The Bloods

the Bloods and the Crips, both originating in Los Angeles (Siegel, Welsh & Senna, 2005). Both gangs mentioned expanded to the poi...

Community Profile: Juvenile Threat

gang activity in Los Angeles is to realize how gang mentality universally displayed in this racially and ethnically homogeneous su...

Violence in Gangs

Juvenile delinquency and gang violence are subjects discussed in the scope of this research report. Legal reassures, prevention an...

19th and 20th Century Asian-American Gangs

7 pages in length. The existing and ever-growing power of Asian-American gangs during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have...

Multiagency Intervention To Reduce Gang Activities

of these facets of the state have emerged over hundreds of years of history (Rodriguez, 2005). These events have all contributed t...

Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Study:

vary somewhat from state to state, juvenile justice typically has a similar protocol. At the time a juvenile is arrested, a decis...

Deviance Across Cultures: Girl Gangs Around the World

feud between rival families of the Camorra crime syndicate" exploded in a small town outside Naples (Israely, 2002, p. 32). The le...

Tracking Juvenile Crime

adult arrests, which was only 33 percent for this period (Snyder, 2003). The juvenile population of the US in 2001 was 78 percen...

Sociologist Malcolm Klein on Gang Culture as a Social Problem

This paper examines how Malcolm Klein evaluates gang culture's causes, problems, and what solutions he offers in 7 pages. One sou...

Definition of Juvenile Gangs and Their Social Implications

gangs also adopt certain types of hairstyles, and communicate publicly, through the use of hand signals and graffiti on walls, str...

Major Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Overview

our complex world. Lets look at a few of them. Gang membership: Teams at several universities collaborated in studies of the Caus...

Overview of Juvenile Gangs

In six pages this paper presents a detailed overview of juvenile gangs in a consideration of their rituals and activities. Six so...

Juvenile Gang Problems

a traditional East Coast ghetto. The gang writing on cement walls, criminal samizdat that cops read for news of a planned attack ...

Examining Latino Girl Gangs

In five pages the girl gangs that have emerged in the Latino community are examined in a correlation between membership and juveni...

Juvenile Delinquency Programs and Juvenile Boot Camps

In ten pages this research proposal assesses the recidivism impacts and success rates of juvenile delinquency programs versus juve...

H.R. 863 Congressional Bill of 2001

not been easy. It has been on the agenda for several years for congress (Voegtlin, 1998), and there has been an inclusion of the ...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

Problems with the Juvenile System in America

publications. Statistics, however, are not the most important thing when we are considering how to treat the problem. A prerequi...

The Reduction in Criminal Offences After Adolescence

of the frequency of their transgressions, as opposed to seriousness, it is also true that only certain types of juveniles are like...

Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?

Juveniles are responsible for an astounding percentage of the crime in this country. Even more disturbing is the degree of violen...

Gangs and Social Jusitce

In a paper of fifteen pages, the author reflects on the issue of youth violence and the impacts on gang participation. This paper...

Programs Targeting Juvenile Crime

gets into trouble in the future, however, they are subject to sentencing as an adult (Montagne, 2000). There are certain ...

Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Courts

In 1899, the first juvenile court case was heard in Chicago as authorized by the Illinois Juvenile Court Act (Penn, 2001). The ju...

Core Concepts of Juvenile Delinquency

is trying to help and the psychologist. Social learning theories : The social learning approach to explaining juvenile delinque...

Rates of Success and Recidivism Impacts of Juvenile Delinquent Programs versus Juvenile Boot Camp

use of military drill and strict discipline. The first of these was opened in the states of Georgia and Oklahoma in 1983 (54). A...