Essays 1 - 30


This 3-page paper discusses the five bases of power and how it works with leadership and dependency. ...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Leadership in Healthcare

be appropriate for healthcare. Individuals have knowledge and expertise regardless of their level of certification and need to be...

Howard Schultz Power and Influence

The power and influence of Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks. The essay discusses who has power and influence over Schultz and who he...

Leadership Interview Case Study

but not responsibility. Bobs focus on taking responsibility, a "the-buck-stops-here" type of leadership, is the clarification of ...

Developing a Marketing Plan for Viagra

to influencers Pfizer may appeal to men who would not otherwise come forward. It is undertaken in a tasteful manner, in line with ...

Ethical Leadership: Article Comparison

the primary location where policy is derived. There are myriad ethical considerations in the daily world of business, and each on...

Med/Surg Leader, An Interview

embarrassment in front of others, withheld pay increases, and termination" (Marriner-Tomey, 2004, p. 118). While conferring reward...

Hypothetical Interview/Nursing Leader

task forces, committees, and organizational projects," while also serving as "resources to other nurses to facilitate advancing sk...

Napoleon Bonaparte v. Adolf Hitler

In eight pages this paper compares these two men's leadership styles and power base abuses of each. Seven sources are cited in th...

Leadership Problems at S&F

organisation. The influences which prevent change are the restraining factors. These tend to be more personal; the resistance to ...

Readying Gene One for an IPO

models would look at negotiations and bargaining to get to an end. In research undertaken looking at the way that character...

Personal Leader Survey

This essay is based on specific resources, Rath's Strengths Finder 2.0 and another leadership video Online. The writer's leadershi...

Leadership Analysis and Assessment

each section. Well analyze each of the scores and provide an explanation as to what this says about Joe. Well then offer a review ...

Book Review: "Understanding Leadership" By Gayle C. Avery

culture, processes and changing systems. Averys (2004) attempt to define leadership in its broadest terms can readily be interpre...

Interviews, Pre-Training, Bases Of Power

Training Effectiveness Switzer, Nagy and Mullins (2005) report there are numerous variables that affect the effectiveness of any...

Practice and Theory of Leadership and Management

been concerned about the same thing for some time and several weeks before began keeping a time log categorized according to proje...

Nursing Leadership Environment Assessment Survey

survey. Encouraging nurses to cultivate an inquiring attitude The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) indicates ...

Self-Assessment as a Leader

because it tries to find a resolution that is acceptable to all parties (Bizman and Yinon, 2004). Part of the leadership plan wou...

Workplace Leadership Theory

see increase their productivity and value adding contributions. The leader has to understand expectancy theory in terms of leaders...

Fundamental Theories/Nursing Faculty Shortage

in nursing educators aged 36 to 45 (Lewallen, et al, 2003). To complicate matters further, recent statistics show that nurses wh...

Leadership as a Privilege

In one page this essay discusses the privileges of a leadership that is earned in an examination of successful leadership qualitie...

The Role of Power

What is power, how is it gained, how is it used, and how can we empower individuals and organizations? These are some of the quest...

Women in the Odyssey, Penelope’s Power

and the goddess shows this with her actions throughout the narrative. Therefore, examination of the Odyssey demonstrates that the ...

Formal Structure, Effective Teamwork, and Leadership

if true, whatever the way teamwork is implemented and as such it is the way the teams are put together and structured that are the...

Philosophies about Leadership

personal values, personality, and on other beliefs. A leaders philosophy of leadership will be observed in his leadership style an...

The Impact of Leadership on Networking

is conducted in this day and age. Organizations that dont engage in network often find themselves severely hampered in key growth ...

Change at Nissan

change is likely to see resistance and the potential for failure increases. It is only when resistance to changes overcome that a ...

Leadership and Gender Differences

leadership, managers let subordinates know what is expected of them, and what they can hope to receive if they meet specific objec...

Change Models And Leadership

are very similar and one will find the same or very similar components and steps across models. 2. Theory E and Theory O Leaders...