YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Leadership and Organizational Culture

Essays 1 - 30

One Way to Determine Effectiveness of Leadership Development

A journal article is reviewed in this essay, Understanding the effects of leadership development on the creation of organizational...


2002). The emphasis was on the "us" word, and the author was struck by how the rigorous detail to customer service is so strong at...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Organizational Culture

not be part of the culture could be the buildings. However, the facilities play a strong role in how things get done. 2. How org...

What Are The Differences Between Leaders and Managers

(1989), a management guru suggested that a succinct explanation is that managers are people who do things right and leaders are pe...

Change and Its Effects on Corporate Culture

important, it should not be left to chance, managers need to pay attention to the culture. Once a strong culture is established,...

Changing the Culture of a Department

This should and will be changed later but right now, they have a deadline set. The COO will need to begin by letting the three man...

Leadership in Entrepreneurial Cognition

provides guidance in decision making as well, ensuring that the organization stays on the track that its leaders have predetermine...

Leadership and its' Impact on Organizational Performance

the difference leadership could have on performance, or is there a different influence? The concept of good leadership being refl...


SWA works toward creating value for its employees, then converting some of that value to customer service, while encouraging behav...

Southwest Airlines HR Case Study

relations school of management, where motivation is directly related to the quality of the employment relationship. Furthermore, t...

Styles of Leadership and Southwest Airlines

all senior level managers and executives are expected to get out in the field to talk with employees. Added to all of this,...

Comparing Organizational Behavior at Southwest Airlines and British Airways

delivering good service, such as the Time 2008 Friendliest Airline award, and Forbes 2008 award for being the most reliable US air...

Organizational Learning and General Electric

In five pages this paper considers the organizational learning concepts of Peter Senge ini a discussion of GE's system of manageme...

Public Leaders

This essay describes and discusses four leadership styles that could be used in private or public settings. The behaviors of leade...

Case Study on Nursing Leadership

accomplishing the task or objective rather than on people (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004). They make the policies and rules ...

Modern Developments within Organizational Theory

are significant limitations, and the most common approaches appear to be building on existing theories in order to better than, as...

Nursing and Organizational Behavior Principles

that it allows the reader to realize that all aspects of human interaction have an element of sales - selling an idea, a process, ...

HRM Concepts

be supported not only with aspects such as commutation structures, but also with the way the staff behavior, they need to be trust...

Organizational Change

been present in older civilizations such as the ancient Greek or Chinese societies (Haralambos and Holborn, 2004, Bilton et al, 20...

Leadership And Organizational Success

more than one-fourth of companies have not engaged in succession planning (OHara, 2005). Furthermore, global experience must be co...

Wal-Mart Company Culture

controversial because of their human resource practices. Many employees are very loyal to the company and yet, they have had more ...

Organizational Culture And Cultural Diversity: The Meaning Of Culture

Being able to actualize, even if just in ones mind, the corporations ultimate goal when faced with adversity is instrumental in fo...

The Competitive Advantage of Organizational Culture

short, having a functional organizational culture is viewed as the fundamental component necessary to achieve and sustain a compet...

Enron And Corporate Culture

Innovation and risk taking - willing to experiment, take risks, encourage innovation (Smith, 2004). 2. Attention to detail - payin...

Leadership in Law Firms

the profession to take advantage of external and ongoing learning opportunities including leadership and business courses as well ...

Book Review: "Understanding Leadership" By Avery

with gender bias, basing its entire concept upon the notion that the only viable candidate for leadership of any kind is - and has...

Book Review: "The Nature Of Leadership" By Antonakis et al

what we know about leadership. This context also shows us patterns of leadership that we can use to analyze contemporary problems...

Change and Leadership

the commonly perceived mechanical world. These forces are made up of push and pull factors which are a natural process and the nor...

Concepts and Terms Used in the Study of Organizational Behavior

will embody the aspects such as morals, ethics and the use of tools such as empowerment (Veiga, 1993). This will be reflected in t...