YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Learning Styles Discussion
Essays 1 - 30
This paper discusses learning styles and the instructional paradigm shift that began happening two decades ago. Theorists cited in...
In the pages this paper examines the classroom importance of matching the correct learning style to a particular style of teaching...
Learning styles have been researched and studied for decades. Do you know what your own learning style is? If you are a teacher, y...
activity to another through verbal communication, but physical assistance was sometimes provided for children who had difficulty w...
This essay begins with a statement about what the writer expects to learn in the adult education program and whether the writer sh...
on the experience. The learning reflects on - analyzes, judges, evaluates - the experience (Davies, n.d.). 3. Abstract Conceptuali...
is founded on certain principles, such as: most people can learn; instructional environments, etc. need to respond to the differen...
In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at differing learning styles such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. The ability of...
influences, such as culture, available skills and needs and the training, development and/or programs that are, or are not, utiliz...
In a paper consisting of eleven pages learning styles such as those of Paulo Freire are applied to anti oppressive training scheme...
funds, federal funds and miscellaneous funds (Association of Community Colleges). The community college system serves a different...
Classrooms are looked at in this thoughtful paper that examines education. In three pages, this writer looks at various theories o...
This paper examines various learning styles, as well as different learning theory relating to the education of students with learn...
These problems have a neurological base. They can interfere in learning basic skills, such as reading, and they can also impede hi...
In eleven pages this paper discusses how preteaching conceptualization for a specific child group can be organized as it pertains ...
the disciplines necessary for training learners in the concepts of sustainable development, which involves knowledge of mathematic...
From this beginning, other theories involved that explain social behavior in terms of learning theory. According to social-learnin...
return home. They are in morning, for they have lost a son. They pray to the gods for his return, but feel that he is dead. They e...
arrest in 1956 along with more than 150 other passive-resistance protestors, all of whom were charged with treason (Brink 1998). T...
In seven pages this paper applies this learning styles' theory to an ideal charter school in a consideration of its philosophy and...
styles of cognitive learning by offering both individual and group work to students. For instance, some of the assignments would b...
Because I am a visual learner first and foremost it would be a benefit to me to go to the online help section. Microsoft Word has...
This essay pertains to spirituality and kinesthetic learning. The writer discusses how the student's kinesthetic learning style ca...
themes relative to the mature students first year in higher education degree courses that lent themselves to success, including: a...
The writer presents a proposal to investigate if organizational learning and the development of a learning organization culture ar...
In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at different learning styles. The VARK and Kolb models of learning are explored. Paper ...
This paper offers a summary of the Experiential Learning Cycle, as well as learning styles, which was developed by David Kolb. Fou...
with a hands on approach (1992). Six categories in all are actually differentiated (1992). Other theorists tend to create four gro...
have learning disabilities and need special attention while others simply learn in a way that is uncommon. Because of different le...
workforce so the workforce can be flexible enough to compete in a highly competitive market. In addition to developing employees, ...