YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Learning as an Adult

Essays 1 - 30

Adult Learning Theory

2006, p. 551). The assignment calls for students to relate how the topic can be applied in their academic life. This perspective...

Learning as Adults

This essay begins with a statement about what the writer expects to learn in the adult education program and whether the writer sh...

Learning Comprehension

in that they know what the purpose of learning how to read is. Children do not necessarily equate a pleasant purpose. There are m...

Analysis of Self-Directed Adult Learning

In a paper of eighteen pages, the writer looks at adult learning. The principles of adult learning are explored through the idea o...

Adult Undergraduate Learning

by in large, adults such a Emerald require instruction that shows them how their life knowledge relates to areas of academic study...

Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

on the experience. The learning reflects on - analyzes, judges, evaluates - the experience (Davies, n.d.). 3. Abstract Conceptuali...

Adult Learning Theories

the learner is involved in reflection. This essay will discuss several learning theories. The essay does not make any specific c...

History of Higher Education & Liberty University

undergraduate degrees, this designation is primarily for marketing purposes and does not fit the definition of a true university. ...

The Case of Miss A; Planning with a People Centred Approach

housework and laundry. Miss A is unable to do much housework, does not eat meals with him and goes to bed very late due to eating...

Community College Learning and Teaching

funds, federal funds and miscellaneous funds (Association of Community Colleges). The community college system serves a different...

Behavior of Adults and Children

of the skin, children get along (unless theyre fighting over a toy, but thats a different matter). Its only when parents let the c...

Teachers and Tutors of ESL Adult Learners and a Phonemic, Web Based Instructional Approach Preproposal

and phonological similarity of verbal items in memorized sequences" (Mueller, et al., 2003; p. 1353). The phonological-loop model...

The Impact of Adult ADD/ADHD on Education

diagnosis of ADD is an extremely complex process, which is complicated by the fact that the symptoms are very similar to other emo...

Benefits of Acquiring Another Language

Recent research has found that parts of the brain grow when adults learn another language, which would make this endeavor very hel...

Adult Learning Theories, An Article Summary/Chen

This article summary describes a study, Chen (2014), which pertains to nontraditional adult students and the application of adult ...

Old Testament Theology and an Adult Sunday School Lesson

In this paper that consists of nine pages the theology of the Old Testament and adult learning converge in this lesson plan for an...

Life-long Learning in Adult Education

second comprising twenty-one percent. Part-time college and university degree programs, in turn, comprised only five percent of a...

Psychology As A Career

of a few areas of practice. Because the elderly population is growing so fast, those trained in geropsychology may have less chall...

Research Into the Literacy Needs of Adult Students A Research Proposal

way to help in terms of recommending what should be a part of the adult education core curriculum. In some way, the idea seems to ...

Learning Theories and Adult Learning

job" (Flint, 2001, p. 3). Employees who are categorized as being in the "professions" have, for quite some time, acknowledged the ...

Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories

transformative experience when the conditions are such that the learner is involved in reflection. This essay discusses the lear...

Diabetes Self-Management - Hispanic Patients

has always been about the development of autonomy, equality, social justice and democracy" (Mezirow, 1999). The transformative app...

Learning and Theories of Human Development

under role model and peer pressure. A critical stage for developing self-identity (University of Hawaii, 1990). 6. Stage 6: Young ...

Adult Learning Theories of Freire and Mezirow

In three pages this essay considers the adult learning theories of these scholars when compared to the writer's own personal learn...

Curriculum and Teaching, Integrating Knowledge

This essay draws upon research to discuss adult learning theory and student-centered learning and then discusses how this informat...

Web 2.0, Learning 2.0

This research paper describes the changes and innovations that are affecting adult education in contemporary society. This encompa...

Adult Classroom and Experiential Learning

In eleven pages this paper discusses adult classroom learning in a background consideration of experiential learning with the cont...

Adult Education and the Theories of Program Design and Development

plus enough reading, and arithmetic to run their households, but that was all (Flaceliere 56). Ancient sources tell us, moreover, ...

Adolescents And ADHD

What has been established thus far is the fact that depth and duration of consciousness, coupled with how old the individual is wh...

Achievement in Web-Based Courses

used This study utilized a participant group recruited from a co-educational public university located in the southeastern sectio...