YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Purposes
Essays 31 - 60
Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Touted). The spokesman for Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement, Billy Rogers, stated "We are...
wrestles with a myriad of questions about substance use and abuse. First, there are good reasons why marijuana should be legali...
legalization with federal, state, and local government statistics; competition; elasticity; supply and demand evaluations; tax rev...
United States Department of Agriculture statistics (Stateman, 2009). Marijuana Policy Project California policy director Aaron Sm...
several European universities have parapsychology departments that investigate ESP, 96 percent of the scientists of the US Nationa...
In five pages this paper argues that freedom of choice is reinforced through the legalization of marijuana. Five sources are cite...
to legalizing marijuana. The author states that "Supporters of an initiative that would decriminalize marijuana in Nevada said ...
to make changes to the society. this becomes more evident when we note that "While the number of offenders in each major offense c...
In 10 pages this paper proposes a quantification study regarding the issue of marijuana legalization. Six sources are cited in th...
Medical Marijuana initiative was passed in California in 1996 (Annas 435). Annas said, "The law allows physicians to recommend ma...
In ten pages this paper examines marijuana legalization efforts and the involvement of the Drug Enforcement Agency. There are 14 ...
In five pages the philosophical concepts of John Stuart Mill are used to argue in support of U.S. marijuana legalization. Three s...
and on, with each person having the slightest bit different perspective, a different variation on the theme. Any proposal, any "s...
at that time which consisted of Mexican laborers and other lower class groups. During the Great Depression, jobs were few and the...
In a shorter paper variation the arguments that no evidence against legalization of marijuana is solid and the outlawing its use i...
which is adversely impacted (Voth,1994).While occasional use may be no more dangerous than alcohol, it is chronic use that impairs...
In sixteen pages this paper discusses medicinal uses for marijuana in a consideration of legalization pros and cons. Twelve sourc...
In ten pages this paper examines various perspective regarding the legalization of drugs in the US. Twelve sources are cited in t...
This research paper focuses on the role of peer pressure in regards to adolescent use of marijuana. Whether or not marijuana shoul...
of marijuana, 2001). The use of the drug in various forms continues to spread through the Middle East and in the 1300s, Arab trade...
despite the low response rate, that the sample was representative of the study, as the sample represented tended to encompass all ...
from large teaching hospitals, leaving them with the more seriously ill patients, whose care also is the most costly (Johnson and ...
type of medical risks or impairments of which the general public should be aware before purchase. In the event that marijuana leg...
In 4 pages this paper explains why marijuana should be legalized. There are 5 sources cited in the bibliography....
grasp the notion that continuing to prosecute marijuana users is doing nothing to ease the problem. "As demonstrated, the current...
This paper consists of ten pages and discusses how legalizing marijuana would carry with it the advantages of crime reduction, pri...
in and of itself, and as such should not be legalized. Now, this argument can vary greatly. Some may argue that we already have al...
that has always been associated with the civilization of a society. Yet, it appears that once a society is considered civilized it...
In twelve pages this paper examines why marijuana usage for medicinal reasons should be legally sanctioned in the future. Ten sou...
In a paper consisting of ten pages the inhumanity of denying marijuana for medical use in cancer, AIDS and paraplegic patients is ...