YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

Essays 61 - 90

Marijuana, Moral and Ethical Issues

In twelve pages using marijuana for medicinal purposes is explored in a consideration of the moral and ethical issues that surroun...

Medical Uses of Marijuana

In fifteen pages this paper discusses the controversy surrounding marijuana in terms of its medical uses and whether or not it sho...

Medicinal Marijuana Use and Ethical Issues

is anecdotal. Nevertheless, for many physicians, it is hard to argue with the results they seem to see personally. In prescrib...

Arguing in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana 3

In five pages this paper supports legalizing marijuana for medical and economic reasons. There are nine bibliographic sources cit...

Marijuana and America's Democracy of Special Interests

In five pages this essay discusses the shifts in American democracy in a consideration of the government's opposition of marijuana...

Explaining the Increase in Marijuana Use

is a part and parcel of a recent fashion trend along with fuzzy lamps and tie-dyed tee shirts. Everyone sporting a hat with a leaf...

The Medical Argument for Legalized Marijuana

to reduce pain remains controversial. A 2001 meta-analysis of 39 clinical studies found that marijuanas was no more effective in...

Medicinal Marijuana

dangerous or physically addictive. Of course, there is some debate about the safety of marijuana. Curtis claims that the FDA will...

Medical Use of Marijuana Should Be Legalized

the listeners understanding of the fact that fever is a typical sign of infection, though obviously its not the only one; nor is i...

Arguing in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Uses

Public sentiment therefore leaves room for the possibility of legalization. Legalization can, in fact, be justified when we consi...

PowerPoint Slides; The History of Marijuana

This 3 page paper is a 6 slide presentation on the history of marijuana, how it has and is used and its status in the law on the U...

The History of Marijuana; Legal Status and Usage

6,000 BCE as well as for textiles in 4,000 BCE in China and it is also recorded as being used as a medicine in China in 2727 (Narc...

Marijuana Should be Legal in Medical Applications

1993, p. 23). The authors believe that if people see patients using marijuana and "functioning fine," they will question why its i...

Medical Marijuana Debate

This paper presents an argument in favor of medical marijuana. The writer discusses the positions in this debate, both pro and con...

Using Medical Marijuana

number of states. Predictably, this has caused a great deal of controversy. This paper considers the following questions: What con...

Florida and Destination Casinos

This essay offers an overview of the Florida debate over legalization of destination resort casinos. The writer argues in favor of...

Legalizing Drugs: The Benefits

such groups turn to drug use as a way to mitigate the pressure and stressors of living in such a fundamentally fragmented and unju...

Marijuana and its Psychological Effects on the Brain, Sleep, and Stress

debate in recent years regarding the drug marijuana and whether or not its effects on the body and brain are really as dramatic an...

Marijuana versus Prozac in the Treatment of Depression

This 6 page paper discusses the merits of treating depression with marijuana instead of Prozac. The writer argues that using marij...

U.S. and EU Marijuana Law

a "gateway" drug that inevitably leads to narcotics use, either cocaine or heroin. The fact is that marijuana is not physically ad...

Pros and Cons of Animals Being Used for Medical Research Purposes

such critical components as antibiotics, blood transfusions, dialysis, organ transplantation, vaccinations, chemotherapy, bypass ...

Illustrative Paper on Animal Testing for Medical Purposes

humans suffering a particular disease. Many researchers maintain that animal DNA and human DNA are so similar, that test results ...

The Reasons Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal

simpler and more compelling explanation accounts for the pattern of drug use you see in this country, without resort to any gatewa...

Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Use

are important issues and deserve attention because they will shape our nations future. Clearly we can build more and more prisons,...

American Medical Policies and Black Americans

rapid rate in the African-American community. Even with the growing number of new cases of HIV, some African Americans are still r...

The History and Mission of Tripler Army Medical Center

facility grew to over 1,000 beds and the addition of a many barracks-style buildings. The design for a new facility began in 1942 ...

Medical Coding

classify medical errors (Pace et al., 2005). In fact, there are taxonomies to classify errors but they are not standardized (Pace ...

Sociological Implications of Elmer-Dewitt Cloning Article

mainly, helping infertile couples have a batter chance of conception that had been experienced in the past. In other arena...

The Clash of Parents and Medical Professionals in 'Baby Owens'

ultrasound or even an abdominal x-ray (National Institute of Health, 2004). Such was the case with Baby Owens. After the ...

Should Animal Testing Continue or Be Stopped?

Imperial Chemical Industries, contends that animal testing, whether one likes it or not, is a legal requirement. Dr. Charles Mayo...