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Essays 1 - 30

Life and Works of John Cage

also began to develop an interest in electronic devices such as variable speed turntables. He "invented the prepared piano, placin...

John Cage/His Impact on Music

"rubber, felt, or wood, as well as screws, nuts and bolts" (Machlis 632). The result of this preparation is that the piano produ...

'Cage' of Maya Angelou

to sing a very bold song. II. The Life and Times of Maya Angelou Marguerite Johnson, who would later call herself Maya Angelo...

The Case of Phineas Cage

it also has an effect on a persons personality. The posterior or back of the lobe is comprised of pre-motor and motor areas (Johns...

John Cage, “Winter Music” (1957)

to perform Cages works based on the composers "idiosyncratic but functional notations," such as the notations that accompany "Wint...

St. John The Baptist

in their fathers footsteps. Like Jesus, John began preaching at the age of 30 (Catholic Online, 2007). His location was the banks...

Analyzing John Cage's Changing Music

composed in 1951 New York. The cycle of piano music, for example, had been written as a dedication to David Tudor and within the...

Life and Works of John Napier

In three pages this paper examines the life and logarithms contributions of John Napier....

John Joseph Gotti Jr.

later they moved once more, into East New York (Crime Library [2], 2007). It is noted that as a boy, with the...

Quantity v. Quality in Utilitarianism

This 5 page paper analyzes John Stuart Mill's theory of Utilitarianism, how it works and how it evaluates actions, both quantitati...

Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality

society, actually many shifts, that led to the current attitudes held by Christians today. For example, there was a time when peop...

Works of Dewey, Mill, Nozick, Rawls, Locke and Burke and the Influences of Education, Society, and Politics

(1757) were published when he was only in his mid to late twenties. In the same time period, he married an Irish Catholic woman na...

Structure in Music

the element of chance, such as the chance imperfections that are seen in a finely produced piece of paper, such as one having a wa...

Musical Innovations of John Cage

This process served to free Cage from the exigencies of the melodic line and traditional harmonic progression, and allowed Cage to...

Psychological Theory and 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' by Maya Angelou

into their conception habits, for they are an intrinsic component of being. "Life is a self-renewing process through action upon ...

Christo: Life and Works

Galerie Schmela, D?sseldorf" (, 2007). Then in 1964 he moved to New York where he began what was called his "store...

W.E.B. DuBois

that time Great Barrington had perhaps 25, but not more than 50, Black people out of a population of about 5,000" (Hynes, 2007). T...

Life and Works of Charles Babbage

emphasis on manufacture and engineering in that region which initiated his own interest in the subjects....

Michelangelo: His Life and Works

wanted to be something other than a banker or a merchant as his father desired (Michelangelo: Artist and Aristocrat: A Biography, ...

Billy Collins

many different ways. For example, one author illustrates how, "You can read a Billy Collins poem to someone who hates poetry and t...

Malcolm X

was no realistic goal for a nigger, Malcolm lost interest in school" and thus dropped out of school (Estate of Malcolm X, 2008). I...

Parr, Sutherland, and Bullen Article Analysis on Urban and Rural Children's Labor and Economic Responsibilities

or wages in order to sustain the family lifestyle. In all cases, middle and upper class children who do not have the same labor ob...

Religion and John Updike

This essay focuses on three works of John Updike, which are his novel A Month of Sundays and his short stories "Wildlife" and "Far...

Life and Career of Oliver Wendell Holmes

In five pages this paper discusses the connection between Oliver Wendell Holmes' life and works....

Tragic Masterpiece Antigone by Sophocles

In seven pages this paper examines the life and works of Sophocles with the emphasis upon Antigone....

What Do You Care What Other People Think?, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman, and Life Expectations

In five pages these 2 works by physicist and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman are examined in terms of the author's inspirationa...

Evangelium vitae/Nos. 78-105

to freedom and responsibility" (EV 83). In this regard, he stresses the pivotal position of the Sacraments, as a means by which hu...

Life, Art, and Maya Angelou

In five pages this research paper examines how the life of Maya Angelou is featured in her literary art with such texts as Heart o...

Life and Poetry of Maya Angelou

In five pages this paper examines the life and poetry of Maya Angelou including the classic I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Seve...

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: Comparison/Contrast

the condition of oppression and restrictive realities. This is the symbolic premise of the poem. From this perspective the African...