YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Life of Jesus Christ Outline
Essays 1 - 30
by John the Baptist, who claimed that he should rather be baptized by Jesus (Mt 3:13). Immediately after, the dove from heaven de...
King of the Jews. Mark places more emphasis on what Jesus did than what He said. He saw Jesus as a powerful servant of God. Luke s...
called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am He" (John 4:25-26). III. J...
In two pages this paper refers to the Bible in providing evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no bibliography i...
The Mount Sinai and mountain of transfiguration experiences of Moses and Jesus are the focus of this paper consisting of five page...
In five pages this paper discusses the origins of Jesus Christ in myth in a comparative analysis of possible literary precursors H...
In fifteen pges this research paper examines how Christ's wisdom can be applied to the world of today with ethics and leadership i...
his home, and is confronted by an angel who convinces him that Mary has told the truth. The next scenes dramatize the "birth of Je...
the context of Jewish salvation history (Sanders 88). Nevertheless, the issue of Jesus supernatural birth, as related in the gospe...
acceptable sacrifice capable of redeeming the sins of humanity. My personal beliefs (meaning the beliefs of the student, not thi...
from a degree of torment, the sources of our greatest joys lying awkwardly close to those of our greatest pain" (De Botton 215). ...
Jesus Christ, 2001 and See Also Badham, 1976). Innumerable disparate bodies of evidence and divergent theories exist, and a...
are the various traumatic events Christ endures from the Garden of Gethsemane until the Crucifixion. They are broken down into fo...
a recognized authority on the social setting of the new Testament (Powell, 2002). Although this is a work of fiction, Theissen ass...
In five pages this essay examines the crucifixion practice of the ancient Romans during the time of Jesus Christ and considers its...
Testament, these words generally refer to "service associated with the work done in the temple."6 In the New Testament, these word...
For example, when Jesus metaphorically gives Peter the "keys to the kingdom," Jesus refers to a verse in Isaiah that speaks of the...
in their fathers footsteps. Like Jesus, John began preaching at the age of 30 (Catholic Online, 2007). His location was the banks...
as a servant of Christ Jesus, who was "called to be an apostle" (Romans 1:1)(This reference and all subsequent references refer to...
little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone ...
In 6 pages this paper examines the 19th century Chinese rebel peasant Hong Xiuquan who contended he was Jesus Christ's brother as ...
In eight pages this paper analyzes Jesus Christ's resurrection in a consideration of contemporary theologians and their thoughts o...
the Shrouds authenticity. Over 1000 special tests were conducted, and over 32,000 photographs were taken. Tests showed conclusivel...
Crucifixion as a means of execution served a number of purposes in the ancient world. This paper discusses the origin of the pract...
In fifteen pages this paper interprets the fractals represented in the mural The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci and what this ge...
is believed that Johns Gospel was written much later than the other three and this could be one reason for the differences. Other ...
of Jesus Christ, who is accepted by nearly everyone maybe not as the Son of God but as the founder of Christianity. According to ...
therefore, offers interpretation of them through various reflections, narratives, and discourses (John, 2003). The first sign is t...
This paper consists of five pages and discusses claims made by both theologians, John Dominic Crossan and Caroline Walker Bynum, ...
In seven pages this paper analyzes the poem that asserts the spiritual themes of the poem are metaphorically portrayed by the trag...