YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Longfellow Whitman and Dickinson
Essays 241 - 270
so-called loved ones seem to have gathered expecting to witness something memorably catastrophic, almost as if they seek to be ent...
To an admiring Bog! (846). The subject matter features a person who feels inwardly lonely who does not wish to advertise h...
held public education of the period in great disdain, which is expressed in a poem dubbed "Saturday Afternoon:" "From all the jail...
that both of these individuals were perhaps depressed, at least a few times in their lives, and thus their work examined the darke...
that in the process of dying Dickinson believed there were senses, and perhaps there were senses upon death as well. But that sens...
are only 4-6 lines in length. "Contemplations" begins as what we might call a nature poem, describing the way in which the sun lig...
Dickinson wrote numerous poems and many times enclosed those original poems in letters which she wrote to friends. She wasnt reco...
part. He and the Church had a love/hate relationship, to be certain. "Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy," st...
printed word. He said that, "The reward of a thing well done is to have done it." This may not speak well to the concept of cur...
for repetition and free flowing verse to express his ideas and was considered not only exceptional because of these elements but a...
time, as well as giving rise by their death to the new life, the "stalwart heir who approaches" (Whitman 1) of the new America....
Part forty seven is the focus of this poetic explication consisting of six pages in which symbolism uses by the poet are the prima...
In 5 pages these influential 19th century authors are examined within the context of their writings 'Preface to Leaves of Grass,' ...
In five pages this paper discusses how Walt Whitman represented the Civil War in such poems as 'A March in the Ranks Hard Prest an...
to punctuation for Ginsberg is to describe his howling. He writes that he has witnessed: "Ten years animal screams and suicides!...
best or the worst and the critic could not decide which. Consider these two excerpts from the same critique, the first is in respo...
turn brown; leaves drop from the trees in late autumn; butterflies soar for a short span of time; predatory animals kill their pre...
in a house The morning after death Is solemnest of industries Enacted upon earth,- The sweeping up the heart, And...
and ice creams sold in the summer, this looks at the trends rather than just the past performance. Regression analysis takes th...
As a gun, Dickinson speaks for "Him" (line 7) and the Mountains echo the sound of her fire. Paula Bennett comments that "Whatever ...
turning, hungry, lone,/I looked in windows for the wealth/I could not hope to own (lines 5-8). Dickinson now clearly classifies he...
of this in the following lines which use that imagery in the comparisons: "Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain,/ Who afte...
In a paper consisting of five pages the attitudes of these poets regarding God are discussed in terms of how they are reflected in...
In five pages this poem is examined in a consideration of figurative language, imagery, and tone. There are no other sources list...
my pagan land,/ Taught my beknighted soul to understand/That theres a God" (Wheatley wheatley.html). Wheatleys struggle with the ...
In six pages this paper analyzes success within the contexts of these poems. Two sources are cited in the bibliography....
In four pages this poem is explicated and analyzed. There are 4 sources cited in the bibliography....
In three pages this poem is explicated in terms of the style which is reminiscent of Protestant hymns rhythms and also considers t...
In ten pages this paper considers the poet and her poetry in terms of her preferred themes and life as a recluse. Ten sources are...
In five pages the symbolism of master and slave is applied to the destructive marital relationship described in the poem....