Essays 1 - 30

Louis Riel, Traitor or Patriot

This paper addresses the question of whether Louis Riei was truly a traitor to Canada or not. This five page paper has seven sour...

Louis Riel

national-liberation leader."1 The author then notes a very intriguing point in that while none of these descriptions are entirely ...

Henry Louis Gates Jr's 13 Ways of Looking at a Black Man

In five pages this paper discusses these 'narratives of ascent' in the collection by Henry Louis Gates Jr....

Compare and Contrast: Jazz by Toni Morrison and Black and Blue by Louis Armstrong

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts Toni Morrison's book Jazz with Louis Armstrong's song Black and Blue....

Compare and Contrast: San Francisco and Saint Louis

of Asia within San Francisco. One finds themselves, a few short blocks from the business district of the city, smack dab in the mi...

Jacques-Louis David

of this time was The Intervention of the Sabine Women (Olgas Gallery). And, interestingly enough, this was very political for it d...

Conceptual Analysis of Dolly's Fashion and Louis's Passion by Stephen J. Gould

or genetic argument is often presented to reduce social spending on certain delinquent programs because "you cant change them, the...

Relations Between Jews and African Americans

In fifteen pages this research paper discusses the views on relations between African Americans and Jews based upon the contrastin...

The Anheuser Busch Brewery Company

change its organizational structure as it moves into the 21st century. Anheuser-Busch makes three major objectives its prim...

Survival of Native Americans and the Importance of Memory

In five pages this paper examines the importance of memory to the Native American cultural experience in a consideration of memory...

France's King Louis the Fourteenth

in Europe. Most of the other countries were busy fighting and maintaining borders, or were battling internal disorder from warring...

The Impact of Louis XIV on International Relations

in regard to geographic distribution, international affairs, and in particular the political alliances which various countries wou...

Jacques Louis David and French Revolution Art

radical of all times. These changes are particularly interesting in regard to the manner in which they changed the artistic depic...

Architecture of Westminster Abbey and Its French Influence

of King Louis IX (1226-1270)(Martindale). Around the decade of 1220-1230, it became clear that medieval engineering expertise had ...

Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol and Children of East Saint Louis, Illinois

suburbs, at a wealthy high school like New Trier, for example, Id be getting close to $60,000... for new, incoming teachers, this ...

Identities in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

as dark and as evil as could be imagined." This could perhaps be followed with a statement arguing that "this is exactly the case ...

French Revolution and Documents' Historical Importance

Enlightenment era and one where fruitful writing came about. In exploring revolutionary France, one can say that certain writings ...

The Edict Of Nantes, Louis The XIV, and Religion Within His Kingdom

This paper focuses on King Louis The XIV and his dealings with the Protestants and Catholics under his rule. This five page paper...

Ambiguity in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

time: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Written in during the last part of his life, Stevensons story was an immediate success. It ...

Nobility of France and Louis the Fourteenth's Influence

In four pages this research paper examines Madame de Sevigne's letters and Moliere's Tartuffe in a consideration of how the French...

Differences Between the Political Policies of Louis XIV and Charles II

This paper discusses the differences between the politics of France and England under the rule of Louis XIV and Charles II. This ...

Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson

tatters" (Stevenson PG). Also evident between the books outer casing is the fact that the author was mightily intrigued with what...

Louis Pasteur and 'The Germs Of Dissent and The Origins Of Life'

own ideals of the impossibility of such an occurrence. The concept behind spontaneous generation is that "life can form from dead...

Overview of Jazz and Its Legendary Artists

is often "misunderstood, under-appreciated and underestimated. If jazz is the underdog, avant-garde jazz is beneath the underdog"...

Developments in Architecture

In four pages architectural development is discussed in relation to ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, Louis Kahn, and also addresses He...

Grotesque and Body Dissatisfaction

In 8 pages this paper examines how the 'grotesque' fascination is represented in literature in Carl Jung's theories, Reviving Ophe...

Jungian Self in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Sattler said, "At the same time, however, there are elements common to everyone, or archetypes. Two very important ones that...

The Relationship Between African Americans and Jews in Baltimore

This 10 page paper considers the views of a number of theorists, including Ernest Burgess, Homer Hoyt, Georg Simmel, Louis Wirth a...

England's Limited Monarchy Development

In five pages this paper discusses the various factors that culminated in the dissolution of England's absolute monarchy with a li...

Music as a Character in Meet Me in St. Louis and 42nd Street

the plot development and story. For example, as the movie opens, various cast members pass the song "Meet Me in St. Louis" from o...