YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Louis the Fourteenth and the Absolutism Age

Essays 121 - 150

Middle Ages' Falconry

a high end sport, one practiced by those who were elevated in terms of their social status, and something equated with chivalry. ...

Socioeconomic and Political Settings in Victorian Age Literature

In seven pages this paper discusses how the Victorian Age's socioeconomic and political landscape are reflected in William Thacker...

The Importance of Training and the Aging Workforce

As the workforce progressively ages to include more and more new recruits over the age of fifty-five, training takes on a greater...

Drinking Age Lowering

In seven pages this paper discusses state policies regarding the drinking age and examines the state advantages to lowering to eig...

Middle Ages and Scholasticism

In five pages this paper compares high Middle Ages' Scholasticism with other religions of this and other time periods with theolog...

Europe From 800 until 1400 A.D. and Changes in Religions, Economics, and Social Groups

In three pages this essay discusses changes that had a great cultural impact upon Middle Ages' Europe. There are 2 bibliographic ...

A Review of Lopez's Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages

of the arts) were administered accordingly. One of the most significant changes brought about by the barbarian age was its ge...

Romantic and Victorian Literature Contrasted

In five pages this essay contrasts these very different literary styles with the Romantic period's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' b...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Age Correlations

In five pages this report examines the correlation between ADHD and age with research currently pointing to a lack of concise info...

Early to High Middle Ages' Transition

In three pages this paper examines changes in church influence, education, culture, and government during the early to high Middle...

Heloise and Peter Abelard Letters

quarters and castrate him (Chronicles...Gans). Abelard removed himself from society, to a certain extent, by becoming a monk, and ...

Aging and Ordinary People

employment he took on before he retired from the carpentry trade. He is a master carpenter - beginning when he first got out of t...

Women of the Nineteenth Century in Stories by Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

the house that they are staying in, her husband corrects her, saying that what she felt was a draught and he shut the window (Gilm...

Article on Adolescents and Anger Critiqued Critique of “Anger in Adolescents: Sex, Ethnicity, Age Differences, and Psychometric Properties”

The authors conclude that the anger-in scale of the STAXI may be less reliable for younger groups but that it is still valuable fo...

Overview of the 4 Dark Ages from 1200 to 700 BCE Greece to Europe of the Fourteenth Century

2002). One of the main cultural and educational devices not used was writing which was very important during the previous Mycenaea...

Middle Ages' Desserts

the Medieval Culture The agrarian culture of Medieval Europe was the central basis for culinary development in the Middle Ages (...

'Golden Age' of the Cold War Era

served to be a platform for fundamentalist interpretation with regard to religious scriptures. This reawakening, according to the...

7 Cardinal Virtues and 7 Deadly Sins

In a research paper consisting of 6 pages, what served as the Middle Ages' Christian dogma of seven cardinal virtues and seven dea...

Middle Ages' England's Political and Cultural Development

The development of political and cultural systems by England during this time period is examined in a paper consisting of 7 pages....

Paul Heelas' The New Age Movement The Celebration of the Self and the Secularization of Modernity

The New Age religious movement is the focus of this review of Paul Heelas' The New Age Movement The Celebration of the Self and t...

Middle Ages Witchcraft Perceptions and Hysteria

In fifteen pages Middle Ages' perceptions regarding witchcraft and the persecution of accused witches are examined. Twenty source...

Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century Sienese Artwork

In six pages this paper examines the Sienese panel painting of this time period with the example of Simone Martini's Annunciation ...

Fourteenth U.S. President Franklin Pierce

In eleven pages Franklin Pierce's life and undistinguished presidential administration are discussed and include his friendship wi...

Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century America Expansion and Migration

The best intentions often brought about an entirely different outcome; while explorers made sure to draw up at least an idea of wh...

U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment

In five pages this paper discusses how the 14th Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court. Five sources are cited in th...

Towneley Cycle's Wakefield Mystery Plays of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries

eventually became an annual summer feast and dramatic event. "The Towneley Cycle proclaimed in its genesis a belief in the Christi...

Fourteenth to Eighteenth Century Families of Europe and the Roles of Women

Women's roles in European families from 1300 to 1700 are examined in five pages. Six sources are cited in the bibliography....

Fourteenth to Sixteenth Century Church and State Relationship

that the secular governments. Priests were often criticized as being greedy and extortionate. As a result of this unrest conflict...

Religion and Change from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Century

properly! Religion is, and always has been, a driving force in society. This was...

Comparing Two-Year Colleges

Two-year public colleges are more often referred to as community colleges. In recent years, their funding has been cut just as it ...