YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Louis the Fourteenth and the Absolutism Age

Essays 241 - 270

Objectivism v. Ethical Relativism

I want to do? Are there really any obligations which reach me from outside the realm of my own desire? To put it into a more pithy...

City of Saint Louis and Whether or Not to Convert from Windows NT to Windows 2000

In twenty one pages this paper discusses software upgrades in this particular case study focusing on St. Louis with various recomm...

A Review of Holes

A 5 page analysis of irony and dark humor in the book by Louis Sachar. Character and plot development revolve around both. 1 sourc...

Writing a Letter to King Louis XVI of France

You will encounter many obstacles, both within your own government and from other nations. You should be careful to surround yours...

Luxury and Louis Vuitton

In eight pages this paper discusses the shrinkage of product brands and considers the luxury associated with global brands like He...

War According to Louis de Bernieres and Primo Levi

In five pages this essay contrasts and compares the portrayal of protagonists at war that are featured in Cordelli's Mandolin by L...

Comparison of Rococo and Baroque Art

In nine pages the social and political backgrounds of these artistic periods are discussed along with differences and similarities...

French Revolution's Influences

In five pages this paper discusses the influences of Marat, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Jacques Louis David and their radical concep...

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

In five pages this paper presents an analysis of the characters featured in Robert Louis Stevenson's famous novel. Two sources ar...

World Perspective of Robert Louis Stevenson

In five pages Robert Louis Stevenson's world perspective is discussed. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography....

Louis Armstrong's Musical Influence

In 1947, Armstrong was placed in a group of jazz musicians, and they played a semblance of the old New Orleans style type jazz ("A...

Century of Controlling Infections from 1850 until 1950

In five pages this paper discusses the milestones regarding the control of infections during this time period in a consideration o...

Literary Techniques Seen In L'Amour's, Tucker

This paper discusses literary tools utilized by Louis L'Amour in the work, Tucker. This five page paper has six sources listed in...

Renaissance Art

during this period that Europe began to recover from the repercussions of the Black Death, as well as rampant political disorder a...

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? by Louis Gerstner

Gerstner identified four immediate concerns: Should he break IBM "into many freestanding businesses?" (Duncan). How should he "cha...

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson on Social Class

physician and very well respected. He was also a man who had been born "to a large fortune" and thus was in want of nothing to do ...

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson Passage Explications

few lines further on: "he...ventured on foot, attired in his misfitting clothes, an object marked out for observation, into the m...

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and Films Inspired by This Novel

Hyde. Mr. Hyde is a hideous man who engages in murder and essentially allows his most animalistic, most primitive, nature to come ...

An Analysis of Louis Fischer's, The Essential Gandhi

courts and token governorships were merely means to placate the population without offering "real freedom or power" (Fischer 158)....

Poems for Children by Shel Silverstein and Robert Louis Stevenson

wide" (line 6) is empowering, freeing, and infinitely entertaining. From the time that his first book of verse for children was ...

An Analysis of Louis L'Amour's Hondo

covert and they receive it from practically everyone with whom they come in contact. It is from this cultural interaction where w...

Darwinian Influences in Louis Menand's Work, The Metaphysical Club

influence of his surroundings is critical to forming his racial image. Attitudes are spread from generation to generation, commun...

Hondo by Louis L'Amour and the Connection Between the Masculine Social Construct and Violence

activities. Sometimes this encouragement is overt but sometimes it is very covert and they receive it from practically everyone th...

Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

rules. Dr. Jekyll was the perfect example of such a man, a man who did the right things, acted in the correct manner, and never st...

Louis Liebovich's The Press and the Modern Presidency

and the Executive Branch for the worse. To support his arguments, Liebovich offers a discussion of the relationship between these...

Jean Baptiste Colbert and Louis XIV

believed that internal commerce was wholly useless for State wealth and, therefore, did absolutely nothing to promote it. As such...

Colonial Projects and the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson and Rudyard Kipling

such things as "To veil the threat of terror/ And check the show of pride" and "The blame of those ye better/ The hate of those ye...

19th Century French Mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy

own background also needs consideration, as the work was also a reflection of the man and his circumstances. After this some examp...

The Contributions of Louis XIV

behavior. This was loosely based on religion as he understood it (Riley, 2001). It should be noted that his mother, Anne of Austri...

Jacques-Louis David, Analysis of 2 Works

This essay/research paper presents a short biography of David and then offers analysis of two works, which are "The Oath of the Ho...