Essays 1 - 30

Lowell System

single location" (Francis Lowell, 2001). Contemporary commentary on the way in which Lowells first factory seemed to spring up ov...

Poet Robert Lowell's Troubled Life

In five pages this paper examines poet Robert Lowell's tortured life and his last days. Five sources are cited in the bibliograph...

'Patterns' by Amy Lowell

This paper consists of four pages and discusses the characterization of the speaker and the poem's connotation, rhythm, diction, a...

'Patterns' of Life and in the Poem by Amy Lowell

and the bright blue squills. I walk down the patterned garden-paths In my stiff, brocaded gown. With my powdered hair and jewelled...

Robert Lowell/Skunk Hour

farmer/is first selectman in our village;/shes in her dotage" (lines 4-6). As these lines indicate, the poem is in free verse. B...

The Dinner Party by Amy Lowell

11). After this section the dinner party clearly moves to the Drawing-Room wherein a woman who sits with fire reflecting her jewel...

War's Realities and Poetry

be born of patriotism and love for their country, as there are few things that would inspire the soldiers to put up with such bad ...

Robert Lowell and Bob Dylan

began to write what came to be called "confessional poetry," which is defined as "an undisguised exposure of painful personal even...

"For the Union Dead"

confuse free verse with sloppiness. The tone of the poem ("tone" can best be understood as the attitude the speaker has toward his...

Abstract and Concrete Language in Poetry

own anguish, illustrating the poets "mastery of weaving spontaneously narrative, meditative, and descriptive elements into a seemi...

Slavery Abolition Debates

In eight pages debates during the nineteenth century regarding abolishing slavery are examined in the debates and writings of Walk...

Slavery and Freedom

In nine pages this paper examines slavery within the context of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and a 'free' mill ...

Case Study of AMP Incorporated and Technology Management

In six pages this paper examines the technology management of AMP Incorporated in a consideration of Managing Technology by Lowell...

Analysis of the 19th and 20th Century Charity Organization Society Movement

In twelve page this research paper examines the American and British COS movement that took place in the late 19th and early 20th ...

Labor Protests and Women's Contributions

In five pages this paper examines the 1820s' and 1830s' New England labor protests in Lowell, Massachusetts and Dover, New Hampshi...

Poet Robert Lowell

Richard Eberhart, that he started to write poetry ( From here went on to study English literature at Harvard, but...

The Lowell Offering Writings by New England Mill Women, 1840-1845 by Benita Eisler

In nine pages this report considers the lives of women who worked in fabric mills in Lowell, Massachusetts during the mid nineteen...

Confessional Poets and the 'Father Complex'

work, moreover, carries with it an element of purging oneself of the terrible things that must prowl in their memories and refuse ...

The Three Little Javelinas by Susan Lowell

in Southwestern "cowboy" garb. There are two brothers dressed in chaps, sporting bandanas, and wearing cowboy hats, but the third ...

Student Case Study on Systems Development

requires a different access level, with the ability to process data to produce the final results, bringing the different results t...

4 Methodologies for Information Systems Development

In nine pages information systems development is examined in a consideration of four methodologies including Information Systems w...

Projections for the Universal Health Care System in Canada

7 pages and six sources used. This paper considers the existing status of the universal or national health care system in Canada ...

Nike; Computerized Interviewing Process Case Study

personal contact during the initial stages of the application process some applicants may be deterred from following through the a...

Management Control Systems at Jazeera Airways

quality measures or controls"1. For companies operating in a competitive environment management control systems can be examined ...

The Topeka System

a team-based operation is an excellent model for effective change leadership. Cohen (2004) said that to build a company of leaders...

English Legal System and Inquisitorial and Adversarial Approaches

may be more equal than others, having the funds to hire the most experiences and persuasive lawyers that will not only be able to ...

A New IT System for a Business

details may result in customers failing to get the food they ant, if the paper is difficult to read the kitchen may prepare the wr...

ITC eChopaul Case Study

market for attention as this made up as this made up two thirds of the agricultural exports. The objective may be seen as worki...

Problems in Case Management and Scheduling

and judges are able to conclude the cases more quickly when there are fewer continuances. Though a case may be continued for othe...

Will Simplification and Certainly in a Taxation System Lead to Equity; Consideration of Hong Kong

and as such it is likely to be viewed as one of the most equitable, however, it is also a complex system, and as such if this rela...