YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Magic of the Desert in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

Essays 1 - 30

Magic of the Desert in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

In five pages this paper examines the metaphorical significance of the desert and its magical qualities for Native Americans in Le...

Feminist Approach to Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

the road to female freedom and self-expression has been paved with patriarchal intolerance and characteristic skepticism so much s...

Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony Tayo's Process of Healing

and a generation of the Pueblo men have been damaged by their participation in the war (Austgen). While Tayo and his two friends, ...

Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

be a reality and that violence is often something that stems from such conditions as seen in the experiences of Tayo. Anger and ...

Relying Upon Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko as a Historical Source

In seven pages this paper examines Silko's novel from a historical context in an analysis of what Ceremony reveals about the latte...

Russell Banks' Continental Drift and Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony

complete of his sense of self - everything within his environment has the feeling of being "other." Tayo is literally the walking ...

Surfacing by Margaret Atwood, Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony, and Environment

returning home only to find his friends drunk and lost to the world. He essentially needs healing and he can only find healing thr...

Structure of Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

he feels totally disconnected from the world - everything is "other." This disconnection from reality is integrally tied to the ea...

Symbolism and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

with Tayos Indian heritage. Prior to describing Tayos chanted curse of the jungle rain, Silko relates a Pueblo myth about Reed Wom...

Self Awareness and Environment in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

alienated himself from Mother Earth in his anger and frustration, cursing the jungle rain, which "grew like foliage from the sky."...

From the Glittering World by Irvin Morris and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

Rocky was killed, Emo became an alcoholic and Tayos condition was left uncured by white medicine (Austgen, 2002). Tayo again has...

Synopsis and Review of Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

In four pages this novel is summarized and reviewed....

Native American Ritual and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko II

In five pages this paper considers the customs and rituals of Native American culture and their influence on child development as ...

Myth and Its Importance in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

In four pages this paper examines the importance of Native American heritage and the protagonist's desire to reconnect in the nove...

Compare and Contrast Beloved by Toni Morrison and Silko by Leslie Marmon Ceremony

This 10 page paper compares and contrasts the novel Beloved by African- American author Toni Morrison and Ceremony, by Native Amer...

Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko and Reassimilation

In seven pages this paper examines Tayo's Indian community reassimilation in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony. There are no other s...

Native American Identity Struggles in Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich and Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

In seven pages these novels are compared in terms of how each features the Native American identity struggle with similarities and...

Comparison of Toni Morrison and Leslie Marmon Silko

In six pages this paper examines how 'home' and 'self' are conceptually depicted in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko and Beloved by...

Silko: “Ceremony”

it, because he cannot really define who and what he is. Like many Native Americans, his world has clashed headlong into the world ...

Silko/Setting in Ceremony

the doctors that he felt like "white smoke" and that he had "no consciousness" (Silko 14). With this allusion, Tayo tried to conve...

Literature, Ceremony, and Ritual

by Gertrude Stein was a term she gave to a generation of men and women whose experiences in World War I undermined their belief in...

Setting as Portrayed in Works by Richard Shelton and Leslie Marmon Silko

visit time and again, or which makes the reader have a strange sense of foreboding for the characters as the story unravels. Autho...

Modern Native American Literature and Cultural Conflict

Native American literature is interesting both in content and in the fact that it is a relatively recent phenomena. Native Americ...

Comparing Tradition and Land Lovers

In 5 pages Edward Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang and Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony are compared and contrasted iin order to evalu...

Cultures That Are Invisible

In five pages the notion of 'invisible cultures' as portrayed in Blues People by Amiri Baraka, Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko, Sp...

American West and Frontier Perceptions

of reference, then one will never know, in any given case, what really happened" (Tompkins, Indians, 60; Cochran 69). In this case...

The Almanac of the Dead by Leslie Marmon Silko and Searching for Self

it is as much a story about the Earth as it is a story about the human characters that strive to seek resolution to the very real ...

Setting and Theme in The Man to Send Rain Clouds by Leslie Marmon Silko

right in their eyes for one who has died. They paint his face, sprinkle corn meal and pollen, and thus give him a very fitting wra...

Marquez and Silko, Two Views of Colonialism

alone in the beginning of the novel and they will be alone again in the end as the efforts to truly colonize this little region pr...

Leslie Marmon Siko's - In the Combat Zone

point Silko goes on to illustrate how she was taught, by her father, how to use guns, how to hunt, and how to always protect herse...