YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Marijuana and Americas Democracy of Special Interests

Essays 1 - 30

Marijuana and America's Democracy of Special Interests

In five pages this essay discusses the shifts in American democracy in a consideration of the government's opposition of marijuana...

Legalizing Marijuana Compared to the Prohibition

Special interest groups and propaganda played a strong role in Prohibition and they have played a strong role in drug laws today, ...

Annotated Bibliography on Special Interest Tourism

This book is a comprehensive look at different types of special interest tourism (SIT). A goof introduction gives a strong overvie...

Principles of Democracy and the Autocratic State

differences that exist between these two governmental styles and the autocratic government style. Fortunately, there are ...

United States' Democratic Model Input Types

In six pages this paper discusses input such as votes, lobbyists, special interest groups and committees to evaluate how 'democrat...

Democratic Process and Interest Groups

In seven pages this paper examines the process of democracy in a consideration of the benefits provided by special interest groups...

Current U.S. Democracy

In five pages the present status of democracy as it manifests itself in the U.S. is examined in terms of correction of previous mi...

One Hundred Years of Political Action in the United States Between 1900 and 2000

In five pages this report considers political action in America over a hundred year period in a consideration of political parties...

Process of Electing American Presidents

the Electoral Vote (which is formally ratified upon completion of the election). The problem is, however, that based on this syste...

American Character and Habits of the Heart by Robert N. Bellah

In six pages this paper relates Bellah's text to Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville in terms of charting the evolutiona...

Juveniles and Marijuana Addiction

This research paper focuses on the role of peer pressure in regards to adolescent use of marijuana. Whether or not marijuana shoul...

All About Marijuana

of marijuana, 2001). The use of the drug in various forms continues to spread through the Middle East and in the 1300s, Arab trade...

Legalizing Marijuana

from pot bootleggers" (ONeill, 2002; NA). The above statement presents many of the arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana. F...

Legalization of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes

it can lead to lung problems, and that legalizing it for medicinal purposes will only encourage the youth of the nation to obtain ...

Differing View of Democracy

that country is assuredly America" (de Tocqueville). de Tocqueville discusses universal suffrage, which he says "had been adopted...

Ideas and Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America

In six pages the history of ideas is examined within the context of Democracy in America in an evaluation of de Tocqueville's argu...

America and Democracy

restless even though prosperous is bold. His work is again just as relevant today as it was at the time it was written. In fact, R...

Democracy Views of C.L.R. James and Alexis de Tocqueville

In seven pages this paper contrasts and compares the democracy perspectives of Cyril Lionel Robert James and Alexis de Tocqueville...

Democracy and Latin America

American countries move towards democracy. I. Latin America Has Acquired a Positive Image of the U.S. In one article that I...

Road to Democracy Forged by Latin America II

In nine pages a shorter version of Latindem.wps is presented in a consideration of Latin America's recent fascination with democra...

'The Global Democracy' and U.S. Foreign Policy

In three pages this essay discusses how America's intention of introducing the world to democracy infringes upon people's rights t...

Virtuous Republic Ideal

In six pages this paper examines America's historic concepts of democracy and the importance placed upon the virtuous republic con...

Democracy and Latin America

arise in its place. Indeed, the respective governments were not about to allow such a perceived takeover without as much as an al...

Caribbean and the Foreign Policy of the United States

America's foreign policy in Central America, most notably in the Caribbean, is analyzed in a paper consisting of five pages....

Issues Surrounding Legalization Of Marijuana

life instead of being the stronger aspects inherent to sizable social forces and requirements. Being deprived of a sound ed...

Banking In China

banks, i.e., those owned by the country (Wright, 2008). And, the private banking industry is growing fast in China, according to C...

Joseph Nocera's 'Money Revolution' Theory

In five pages this paper examines 'The Money Revolution' described by economic theorist Joseph Nocera in a consideration of Americ...

America's Interest in the Spanish-American War

In fourteen pages this paper examines the economic and expansionist motives the US had for entering the Spanish-American War of 18...

Children with Special Needs

broad social perspective and also with regard to the many different kinds of requirements which disabled or special-needs children...

Special Education Views and Theories

these children may have to become involved on a civic level to request, require and demand accessibility to all areas of a school ...