Essays 61 - 90

Venezuela Independence and the Ideals of Francisco de Miranda

Both the similarities and the differences in conditions in the new United States and in Venezuela fascinated Miranda. He notes in...

Ideal Museum and Old and New World Systems

are opposed by the church. In comparing this time period--the old world system of the early Italian Renaissance--with a new world ...

Contemporary Application of the Ideal Leadership Theory of Niccolo Machiavelli

Machiavelli had been imprisoned by the opposing Medici and he saw how the conflict between politicians can destroy what issues are...

Shakespeare in Love Film and the Ideals of Courtly Love

harmed, though he will herald her with poetry if he is an artistic sort. These are fairly simple definitions, but they help to set...

'Ideal' Parson in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

Its almost as if Chaucer chose to include the Parson as a character in order to foil the other characters. In other words, its as...

Capitalism The Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand

1986). Rands "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" (1986) was first published in 1962 and exemplified many of her philosophies of...

Political Ideals and 'Politics and the English Language' by George Orwell

concomitant of transitional periods" (Orwell). Orwell looks behind the rhetoric to the true meaning of this sentence and offers ...

Legal System, Civil Rights Movement, and the Nonviolent Social Ideals of Martin Luther King

was shortly afterwards involved in the cause begun by civil rights activist Rosa Parks when she refused to follow the citys laws m...

Feminine Literary Ideal

her day and age, women were of two types, generally speaking: bad and good. The good were set upon pedestals and were seen as the ...

Reality and Ideal Culture in Amerian Values

should be free to choose how they live, how they worship and how they work" (McQuillan, 2002, p. 06A). This seems to be a pretty g...

Learning Center Ideal

socially. The greater the overall interaction the better the prospects for economic improvement (Lewin-Epstein et al, 2003). Onc...

What Would be the Ideal Careers Center?

likely to benefit from the service may not be familiar with the library area, especially where there are some language barriers. T...

Feminist Ideals in Twain's, Pudd'nhead Wilson

for a marriage proposal will cause scholars to revise previous assessments that Twain was ineffective in representing women and un...

The Canterbury Tales and the Ideal Characters of Geoffrey Chaucer

but more than that he is dedicated to God in his heart. The Parson is an example of a man who lives in accordance with what he pr...

Feminist Ideals of Wollstonecraft and Austen

men who had money if they wished to do more than survive. Women did not work, save as servants and perhaps teachers, and as such t...

A Review of the Article Fasting Girls The Emerging Ideal Of Slenderness In American Culture

of sexual content gives children the wrong impression with regard to morals and values. Indeed, it can readily be argued how the ...

An Ideal Society With a Combination of Ancient and Modern Aspects

overall the U.S. has a good commitment to education and this commitment should continue to increase for an ideal society. ...

'The Ideal Man' by John O'Hara

there is the suggestion that Elsie is a good mother. OHara writes that the "only thing," that Elsie "held against" her children, i...

Comparison of Social Ideals

In ten pages this student provided paper considers social justice and ideals as addressed in the concepts of William Ryan, Michael...

Virtuous Republic Ideal

In six pages this paper examines America's historic concepts of democracy and the importance placed upon the virtuous republic con...

The Concepts of Graded Structure, Central Tendency and Ideal Dimensions Among Tree Experts and Novices

6 pages and 2 sources. This paper provides an overview of an article by Lynch, Coley and Medin entitled: "Tall is typical: ...

Victorian Morality and An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

In five pages this essay discusses how Victorian morality is portrayed in Oscar Wilde's witty and sophisticated play. There are n...

Ideals or Political Applications in the Ideologies of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, and John Locke in his Second Treatise on Government (Hobbes and See Also Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 1651, 2...

Ideals of the Enlightenment, Communism and Fascism

There was a paradigm shift as the Enlightenment approached in that man was now seen as master of his destiny as opposed to simply ...

The Ideal Constitution According to Aristotle

of the two or the rule of the inferior is always hurtful" (NA). In this we see an incredibly humane approach, as well as a humane ...

Ideal City Prototype of Disneyland?

In twelve pages Disneyland is considered within the context of an ideal city prototype with its brand of Utopia lacking in indepen...

Ascetic and Hedonistic Ideals in Protagoras by Plato

In five pages this report argues that both Protagoras and Socrates' ideals are ascetic and hedonistic as presented in Plato's dial...

Suburbia and the Middle Class Ideal

In five pages this paper discusses the ideal of the middle class in suburban communities. Two sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Enlightenment Ideals in Common Sense by Thomas Paine

written in 1776 by Thomas Paine. This pamphlet requested that the United States immediately declare independence from Britain. I...

The Ideals of Feminism

This paper discusses the ideals of feminism. The author defines the movement as an act to enhance womens' quality of life by chan...