Essays 121 - 150
This paper examines the ideals of the pluralist family as they relate to the feminist agenda. The author discusses the industrial...
Boethian ideals are emphasized in this five page comparative analysis of Christianity and Boethian philosophy. There are more tha...
as its model. Things are intellectually and emotionally captured by the understanding, not by the senses. The "Forms" of Things ...
In four pages this paper examines the educational ideal of Utopia Plato presented in The Republic. There are no other sources lis...
In five pages the pure reason ideal as depicted in this philosophical treatise by Immanuel Kant is analyzed. There are no other s...
In sixteen pages this paper examines how contemporary society can incorporate the humanitarian ideals of Mary Ann Glendon. Twelve...
In ten pages this essay considers the 1994 NJ senate races in which party politics began to give way to the ideals of the individu...
between both extremes. The fundamental theme of "Utopia" is the determination of the best state for a commonwealth, the b...
the sociological elements that have supported the subjugation of women, and the perspectives offered by women who support the righ...
In nine pages engineering thermodynamics is examined with such topics including heat exchangers and transfer, turbomachinery, nozz...
In two pages this paper considers the modern day global economy governmental system in an application of Karl Marx's ideal governm...
In three pages this paper examines Turnus and Aeneas as they represent the Roman concept of heroic ideals depicted in The Aeneid b...
to form an Internet service "with the simple objective in mind of making online services more accessible, more affordable, more us...
In eight pages this paper discusses how the ideals of democracy could be expressed by the genteel planters in Virginia as depicted...
In five pages this paper examines how Oedipus exemplifies the Athenian male ideal. There are no other sources cited....
In five pages this research paper considers the American family ideal in an analysis of 3 essays from the Rereading America multic...
Rather, they wanted what they called "enlightened despots" like Empress Catherine of Russia or Joseph II of Habsburg (18). They th...
This paper examines Franklin's memoirs in terms of the ways in which it reflects Enlightenment ideals in context as well as form. ...
This paper discusses how the volunteerism ideal is still alive and well in the American Red Cross organization in eleven pages. T...
In six pages this paper argues against the discrimination of Gypsies and supports the preservation of their ideals and contributio...
In six pages the ways in which two artists articulated changing their world are examined through Cellini's The Saltcellar and Mich...
This essay consists of five pages and considers sculptures of Aphrodite of Knidos, Lady of Auzerra, and Queen Nerfertiti in terms ...
In three pages this paper examines the importance of the manifest destiny concept to the American ideal and U.S. expansionism. Tw...
realist, above all, when it came to understanding human nature. He was a founder of the philosophy of history, due to his reflect...
In five pages the teachings of Rousseau and Locke on liberty are contrasted and compared in terms of ideal government, nature, and...
In ten pages this paper discusses Malthus' An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Paine's response in The Rights of Man, ...
be approached in new ways, but more importantly, with a profile, a target market can be created. For example, if one runs a toy st...
In seven pages this paper argues in support for the park citing the difficulty to find places where skating is legal, the communit...
In a paper consisting of 5 pages American beliefs and ideals that were strongly held prior to the Cold War are examined. There ar...
income of families with children ($35,000 in 1995)(Report 3) . Fifty-four percent of home school families earned more than $50,000...