Essays 301 - 330

A Tool Against Child Abuse

This paper considers A-1654, a new New Jersey law requiring the education of new parents about what constitutes child abuse and ho...

New Search Engine for the Chinese Market

relevant influences that will reflect in the potential search engine user need. The market is China is one that is growing rapid...

Spanish Explorers in the New World

The first exploration that is often noted is that of Christopher Columbus which was supported by Queen Isabella I.6 "In 1492 the ...

Launching a New Product

the face of competition, if it is a niche market product it may be difficult to reach those who will be interested in marketing an...

International Marketing Research Methodological Choices

may be remote from those wanting to undertake the research, there is also the challenges of cross cultural research which can lead...

Problems in New Orleans’ Schools

only one year, and school officials who were being indicted for theft and bribery (USA Today). There were budget deficits, and bui...

HR Project

and DeHayes, 2000). The company held a wealth of problems, including trying to patch together incompatible systems inherited thro...

New Nurses Survival Guide

2008, p. 208). The purpose of the study designed by Sorensen and Yankech (2008) was to investigate whether a "research-based, th...

Business Plan; Groovy Rags

Groovy Rags has the aim of filling the gap with a highly differentiated, but fashionable, range of clothes and accessories for me...

The New World

that gold could be found. However, this was not ultimately why the New World was colonized, especially in light of the fact that g...

Fashion Research Paper on Interchangeable Pockets or Hoods

market compared to the older teenage market (Simpson et al, 1998). This is a trend that does not appear to be decreasing (Euromoni...


Quicks management is considering going global on an even larger scale, meaning, out of necessity, some change management will be i...

How Did the New Left Lead to the Rise of the New Right?

support one another, and as a result, there was great social change. Perhaps the greatest success of the New Left was the Brown v....

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

there. He has grown up in a society that talks about the World State and so he is curious. He is a reader of Shakespeare and a man...

Copyright and Music Streams

when an artists music is played via streaming audio, what is their expectation as far as royalties go? It seems as if royalties ar...

An Article Analysis of 'Asian-Americans Note Issues Central to Them for Elections'

In three pages an article that appeared in the February 13, 2004 edition of the New York Times is analyzed....

NYC Teacher Importance

would enhance any educational environment. For example, I have learned the importance of both teaching and learning, and believe ...

Comparative Analysis of Area Newspapers in New York City

as a breaking story. The next day, most of the New York area newspapers picked it up. Meek and Bazinet examine, in the New York ...

NY's Transportation Growth

of transportation system would come in stages. There was much travel, even in the early years and it was made possible to creating...

Article Paraphrasing

the content, though the student might want to mention that the piece is badly written. The article discusses Ms. Gorton, an admin...

Windex Clean and Shine Dry Microfiber Multipurpose Cloth Product Analysis

on the surface that is to be cleaned, wipe the area with a cloth, rinse and re-use cloth as needed. There are any number of dry a...

My Neighborhood Queens

and live, once the Queensborough Bridge was opened in 1909 (Queens, New York, 2006). Today transportation possibilities involve th...

Should New Drugs Be Labelled As ‘New’ To Indicate A Higher Risk Than Established Dugs?

funds used to ensure drug safety focused in the approval of new drugs. After a drug is approved there are few quality reports unde...

Becoming New Yorkers

the facts revealed by Lopez concerns the way in which speaking Spanish is punitively regarded in the high school that was the focu...

The Lawrence Massachusetts Auto Insurance Fraud Task Force

existence less than five years but it has already been responsible for the 325 insurance fraud charges (Volger, 2008). As is the ...

Contract Negotiations

a number of parties but their signatures are not on the contract, it will "most likely be considered void in a court of law" (Elem...


police force to become die-hard friends. So the next step is to take small steps - rather than simply introducing a commun...

Considerations in Government Contracting

and that they have all of the necessary licenses (Sparks and Wichmann, 2007). Once a bid is received in the contracting...

The Patriot Act: A Political Issue

against Americans on their own soil. The extent to which the Act serves to intercept terrorist activity, protect national freedom...

Miami Changes School Boundaries

A 5 page paper. Miami-Dade County school district did change its school boundaries a couple of years ago. This paper offers a 'neg...