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Essays 1 - 30

Necessity of Music Education

disturbing since music has been shown to be important to child development "physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and ...

Early Education and Music's Importance

In eight pages this paper discusses the curriculum and classroom significance of music education despite inadequate funding and la...

The Necessity of Physical Education

reason physical education programs have taken a decline in the school systems is funding. In large portions of the United States t...

Contemporary Necessity of Education

stand to fail nearly every endeavor they undertake. This is not to say that they may not have some inherent skills that do not nee...

Church and State Separation Necessity in Canadian Education

of the public school system, discrepancies in standards, democratic rights and the need for financial efficiency, there should be ...

Violent Song Lyrics/Teen Aggression

the detrimental emotional and psychological effects that this type of music has on young people. However, besides examining the su...

Impressionism/Music & Art

not explicitly intended to depict any concrete object or situation, but rather seeks to create a "mood or atmosphere," which elici...

Evolution Of Gospel Music In America

anthem music spread more rapidly in the South (Tanner, 2006). It was the minstrel shows that were most responsible for this musics...

Need for Energy Alternatives

In ten pages the necessity for making the transition to an energy source that is sustainable is considered in this overview....

Cheating is Necessary

can actually be trusted. But, if those notions are put aside one can plainly see that cheating makes no difference at all in how t...

Music Instruction and Block Scheduling

In fourteen pages music instruction and the impact of block scheduling are discussed in terms of how this design can address certa...

Scott Joplin & George Gershwin

time," then shortened to "ragtime" (Porter, 1973, p. 2). The innovations that Joplin brought to ragtime were remarkable and uniqu...

Syncretic Music

the accompaniment of the "Indian sitar, the rebab or bowed choraphone, the suling or bamboo flute, the gendang, kenong and saron o...

Structure in Music

the element of chance, such as the chance imperfections that are seen in a finely produced piece of paper, such as one having a wa...

Music School Application Letter Sample

know from personal experience if my training has had this result, but there is no denying that musical scales are very close to be...

Democracy and Education

In four pages democracy and its demands are examined in terms of social ideals and education's role....

Earning Big Money and College Education

In four pages this paper examines the apparent necessity of acquiring higher education in order to earn a high salary in the workp...

Education's Worth According to the Elitists

Platos works. Indeed, those who go to college are more educated than those who do not. That is true to some extent. At the same ti...

Special Education and the Uses of Assistive Technology

a) "students with disabilities participate in state and district-wide assessment programs, with accommodations where necessary (al...

Early Childhood Professionals and Standards of Ethics

In seven pages early childhood professionals and the necessity for appropriate standards of ethics are discussed and then a Nation...

Value of College Education

This essay identifies the benefits of higher education to the individual and to the society. The writer comments on the necessity ...

Graduate Level Distance Learning Quality Assessment

In a paper consisting of seven pages the necessity of assessing the quality of graduate programs on the Internet is presented and ...

Doing Business in Ethiopia for an American Company

In many cases it is not only the firm that benefits economically but also the African people themselves. Many regions of Africa w...

Death and the Importance of Family Support

of bereavement services such as telephone hotlines, formal programs and stronger community education resources to deal with this t...

Senility and Aging

allowing the elderly to stay mentally alert is: "a sense of belonging and purpose"...

An Analysis of a Chamber Music Concert

lyricism and classical composition techniques" have made his music internationally acclaimed (Srul Irving Glick, 2003). In Glicks...

The Influence of Music on Trahce in African Tradition Religions

The writer presents an examination of the role music plays in trance. The paper looks at both shamanic and possession trance, the ...

MP3s and Internet Technology

In ten pages this research paper discusses music and the impact of the Internet on technology in this consideration of MP3 music f...

Music Videos and the Uses of Imagery

In fifteen pages this research paper examines the art of music videos in a consideration of accomplished directors of music videos...

Electronic v. Conventional Music Distribution

In five pages distributing music electronically through Internet download sites rather than by conventional means is critically an...