YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Nursing Home Care and the Effects of Mandatory Continuation of Nursing Education
Essays 121 - 150
homes. Rather, it is a high-quality facility dedicated to providing the best of care to its residents. Staff members are employe...
expressing his or her misery. Such caregivers may have experienced patients who are as likely to cry out, thrash around, or simply...
Fifteen pages and 8 sources. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the information available about job opportunities fo...
old signs of questionable care still apply, however. Unexplained injury or falls, the occurrence of pressure sores, and evidence ...
In six pages this tutorial discusses nursing homes and the conflicts that can erupt between administrators and nursing staff. Six...
recognized categories for APNs within this state (TBoN, 2006). The scope of practice for Tennessee APNs includes the legal abili...
In addition to these central variables, the authors also considered other potential factors influencing study outcomes, including ...
to individuals connected by a blood tie. However, to be a "family," members must "live in close contact, care for one another, an...
for my patients. Personal philosophy of nursing: Tourville and Ingalls (2003) offer a fascinating and very apt analogy to descri...
in harmony and when they dont, osteoporosis is the result (Kantrowitz, 2007). Bone mineral density is generally measured as a T-s...
practitioner surgeries are run by practice nurses, only making referrals to other members of the healthcare team when required, Th...
an advanced practice nurse. The benefits that a nurse midwife can bring to a first-time mother include information that the mothe...
for competency, the use do surveys to assess standards and the evaluation of clients as well as the provision of a complaints hotl...
The writer provides some feedback that may have been provided by a mentor, looking at a presentation given by the student. The pr...
The paper is a presentation designed to introduce and explain a new fall prevention policy for a home care nursing agency. The pr...
computerized or electronic patient records. 1c. To discuss these findings with supervisor/mentor to consider how the information...
in the home and individuals suffering from dementia. The background literature review sites a wide range of sources, including res...
The writer looks at a research article by Lach and Chang (2007) entitled Caregiver Perspectives on Safety in Home Dementia Care" p...
the age 65 have hypertension (Sirkin and Rosner 2009, p. 402). Hypertension leads to a lesser quality of life for the patient and ...
provided in their own home. Services offered include, but are not limited to, general nursing services, physical and occupational ...
number of patients, in other words) and the incidence of injury at nursing homes, making this correlation a worthwhile problem to ...
and how this equipment should differ for this population: Bariatric patients are typically defined as those who are extremely obe...
This paper summarizes and analyzes a qualitative Norwegian study that examined the experiences of home care nurses in regards to f...
This paper consists of the speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation that pertains to the a student's volunteer experience. The ...
and arranging transportation; and ensuring that physician orders for residents are met and followed. Beyond these duties ar...
or state agencies may seek and implement studies. II. Nursing Home Care for the Elderly Whenever nursing home care is an...
a "collaborative quality improvement project" that focuses on PUs in nursing homes as its primary focus (Lynn, et al, 2007). QIOs,...
dependency upon others for assisted daily living skills, and institutional care. Rockwood (1997) defined frail elderly people as t...
In six pages this research paper examines the nursing home industry and considers the increasing costs of patient care due to an e...
In eight pages this paper discusses nursing homes for long term care in a consideration of choices, features, and transitional rec...