YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :On Speaking Well by Peggy Noonan

Essays 1 - 30

On Speaking Well by Peggy Noonan

clearly delineate between good guys and bad guys and believes that President George W. Bush and his administration serve as the be...


trust and friendship in a small business. Because the relationships in smaller businesses tend to be friends as well as co-workers...

What I Saw at the Revolution by Peggy Noonan

In five pages this paper reviews the text written by a former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. One source is ...

H.G. Wells' 'Time Machine' and Adolf Hitler's Thoughts

feat of time travel, for example, through the wonders of modern science. After years of meticulous work he has managed to create ...


This 3-page paper compares and contrasts Great Northern Iron stock as an investment with a Wells Fargo certificate of deposit....

War of the Worlds/H.G. Wells

This essay provides analysis of War of the World by H.G. Wells. The writer asserts that Wells' perspective conforms to the princip...

Mao Zedong's Cultural Vision Of China

grew tired of this gaping void in their marriage and had an affair, despite her complete loyalty and subordination to him. She ye...

Justice and Fairness According to John Rawls and John Noonan and Mary Anne Warren on Being Human

that Rawls equates justice with equality. Justice is, in a manner of speaking, treating others as an individual would wish to be ...

H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine

humanity and all things simply improve, although there is still the belief that time and history will end with the coming of Chris...

Utopia of Socialism

theory could exist, if only individuals would work for the good of society instead of placing selfish aims above all else. Wells ...

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

has a dual mission. That is, he wants to survive the attack by the Martians and he also wants to find his wife. There are other ch...

Comparing The Time Machine Novel by H.G. Wells and 1960 and 2002 Film Versions

indictment of the British caste system and the exploitation of laborers necessary to maintain its bourgeois lifestyle (Mitchell, 2...

Lynching as Terrorism

the perpetrators need to have a voice in their own government doesnt really hold up. Whites were in charge-they had no need to use...

Technology and the Works of H.G. Wells and Stanley Kubrick

In seven pages this paper discusses the impact of technology upon humankind as considered in H.G. Wells' novels The War of the Wor...

An Accounting Article Analyis That Focuses Above the Bottom Line

analysis of income statements to determine if refunds were increasing as compared to sales. After further analysis, the me...

Physical Characteristics, Personality, and Physiognomy

In five pages this paper examines these topics within the context of 19th century psychologist Samuel R. Wells' text The Temperame...

Portrayals of Good Science Gone Bad in Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, H.G. Wells, and Mary Shelley

jump into a review of these novels it is necessary to first examine the predominant state of mind of Victorian Europe. During the...

Richard Matheson's and H.G. Wells' Use of Science Fiction to Portray Alienation

In a paper consisting of 5 pages alienation as a theme are explored in Matheon's I Am Legend and in Wells' The Time Machine and Th...

Kindergarten Children and Reading Aloud

2000). Reading aloud is definitely the best way to transmit this understanding to young children. Reading instruction for young ch...

Rebecca Wells' Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

each triumph was their own as well. They trusted each other and their friendships were continually nurtured throughout time by the...

Ida B. Wells' "The Red Record" - Analysis

most others, however, she did not sit idly by and merely complain about the intolerable situation; as a young, black woman with a ...

A Consideration of Ann Wells' 'Who Owns Information?: From Privacy to Public Access'

risks which currently exist in regard to information privacy and eloquently addresses the evolutionary trend toward information ma...

Critiques of Wells’ “The Time Machine”

called anything else, is the hero of the novel, and he goes through the tests and ordeals that Campbell says are necessary for the...

African-American Youth Public Speaking And Community Relations

may lead to African-Americans and others dropping out at even higher rates. We know that the high school graduation rates for many...

A Poem Comparison, Frost, Hughes

and the "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes are both evocative and deeply beautiful poems. In each poem, the poet uses...

S. Foss's Inviting Transformation, Presentational Speaking for a Changing World and Public Speaking

those principles and put them into action and practice presentational speaking. Nevertheless, the first part of my task is accompl...

Global Commonality of the English Language

were able to teach through the medium of Welsh and Welsh cultural texts were promulgated....

Public Speaking's 4 Principles

a public speech immediately fosters fears of the possibility of embarrassment, ridicule and failure. Many experts in the field of...

Oppression Issues

In 5 pages 5 essays that examine oppression are discussed and include Herbert Gans' 'Deconstructing the Underclass, an unknown aut...

Peggy Pond Church's The House at Otowi Bridge and the U.S. Atomic Age

as the atomic bomb. In examining hte realities that relate to Churchs book, and to history itself, we go back and look at our so...