YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Oppression and the Instruments of Josef Stalin

Essays 1 - 30

Oppression and the Instruments of Josef Stalin

captivating. His ability to analyze a situation and devise the best logistics for rectifying it were also a part of his mechanism...

Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Its Opposition

the "loyal opposition" that he believed is needed in order for the two-party system to work best. He opposed FDR seemingly at eve...

Political Legacy of Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin

Lenin saw in Russias expanding working class - the proletariat - the seeds of revolution" (Anonymous The Road to Revolution, 1997;...

Josef Stalin and Totalitarianism

In ten pages this paper discusses how the worst of totalitarianism is represented by Josef Stalin's reign of terror. Five sources...

Stalin and Opposing Views

In five pages three articles featuring differing perspectives on Josef Stalin are reviewed and critique and include 'In Cannabilis...

Comparison Between the Stalinist and Democratic Revolutions of Russia

the General Headquarters and suggestions by Front commanders and on special reports."i Information was paramount to the continue...

Josef Stalin's and Mao Zedong's Agrarian Policies

took as much surplus as possible for use in the industrial areas. Families were given only very small plots for their personal fa...

20th Century Russia

power to see to it that Stalin took over after his ultimate demise (Pipes, 1994). Nevertheless, their myriad comrade associations...

Control Methods of Josef Stalin

In five pages the paper examines propaganda and the control methods employed by Soviet Union leader Josef Stalin. Six sources are...

Legacies of Josef Stalin

(Conan). And when he was died, he was embalmed and revered, so much so that he was on display in the Lenin Mausoleum for years fol...

Similarities between the Reigns of Stalin and the Tsars

Stalin was so determined to control the socialist culture because he did not want to create any potential opposition to his rule. ...

Was the Leadership of Josef Stalin Leninist?

In six pages this paper assesses whether or not Leninism exerted an influence over the Soviet leadership of Josef Stalin. Five so...

Influence of the Bolsheviks on the Russian Revolution

This paper of six pages examines how the Bolsheviks under the inspired leadership of Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin resulted in t...

Bolshevik and Stalin Economic Policies and the Impact of the Second World War

In ten pages the impact of the Second World War on the economic policies of the former Soviet Union first established by the Bolsh...

Soviet Union and the Impact of the Second World War

to hide the inherent flaws of the command economy and discourage fundamental reform. "In this paradoxical way, the victory of 1945...

Soviet Union Industrialization and Collectivism from 1928 until 1933

ownership. The penalty for failure to comply with this new directive was farms or be shot, exiled, or enslaved and worked to death...

Overview of Stalinism

In five pages this paper discusses the oppressive leadership of Josef Stalin in a consideration of the Great Purges that took pl...

Biography of Josef Stalin

In twenty four pages this essay considers the life of Josef Stalin, comparing his leadership of the Soviet Union with other leader...

Great Purge of Josef Stalin

In ten pages this paper examines the infamous Great Purge of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Twelve sources are cited in the biblio...

FDR and Stalin At the 1945 Yalta Conference

that Stalin never traveled to the war zones. Throughout the war he only came close to the front line on one occasion. This occurre...

Cunning and Ruthless Joseph Stalin

from Stalin as well in regard to many of his traits and visions as well as in the measures that he took to achieve power....

Power Shift from Vladimir Lenin to Josef Stalin in the Soviet Union

business, as well as tend to a number of domestic and foreign policy issues. However, others assert that as Lenin neared the end,...

Power Rises of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin

and abundance" (Zagladin 262) but in reality "brought down on them terror and repression, and dragged the world into an era of blo...

Regimes of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler with Stalinism in Russia with propaganda and polit...

U.S. Foreign Policies of Josef Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev

Stalins totalitarian rule and approach resolution to political struggles without the need for war. This stance did not hold for l...

Russia of Josef Stalin, Germany of Adolf Hitler, and Fascism

The period between 1914 and 1945 brought much grief and heartache to the people of Germany, as it reflected a time of great concer...

Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin

In nine pages Stalin and Lenin's policies are examined in order to determine whether or not Stalin deviated from the Bolshevik pra...

Practices and Policies of Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin

In fifteen pages this paper draws parallels between these leaders and the effects they had on the citizens of Russia. Twelve sour...

Assessment of the Industrialization of Josef Stalin

In six pages this research paper assesses the pros and cons of Stalin's Russian industrialization. Five sources are cited in the ...

Henchmen of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin

In five pages this paper examines the henchmen who supported these oppressive dictators in a consideration of Himmler, Heydrich, E...