YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Our Virtual Learning Team Assertiveness

Essays 1 - 30

Our Virtual Learning Team - Assertiveness

misunderstanding among members (p. 379). Johnson and colleagues (2002) found that virtual teams often have very short timelines,...

Team Building Through a Virtual Team Experience

written about the importance of teamwork, are working relationships plagued with frustration and disappointment" (p. 56)? When pe...

Virtual Multi-Cultural Teams

multi-cultural work teams can easily fail and when it is a virtual team, even more problems may emerge. Virtual multi-cultural ...

Managing Virtual Teams

team involves far more than just learning how to use the technology that allows these teams to exist (Kimball, 1997). Managers mu...

TLR Inc. and the Pros and Cons of Virtual Teams

being interviewed over the phone may not be the same person that gets hired. For example, some people do much better in a face-to-...

ARCO Alaska and Virtual Teams

management at ARCO Alaska, Inc. in Anchorage, says, "As industry becomes more global and [has] gone through years of downsizing, t...

Learning Teams

team groups to undertake team marking for some assignments, lessening the workload of the teachers and increasing the consideratio...

Characteristics That Make a Team

More and more companies are using virtual teams, which allows the business to bring together experts no matter where they are loca...


of implementing new technology. Much of the business literature is in love with the idea that buy-in from the top is very importan...

People Need Training to Become Effective Teams

Teamwork training is essential if teams are going to be effective. Teams need to learn specific skills to be effective, high-perfo...

Why Assertiveness is Important

care of ones needs is an important reason to become assertive. For example, if someone goes to a doctor or hospital and they are l...

Global and Domestic Project Management

are the same whether those teams are physical ones located on the factory floor or virtual ones Several studies have demon...

Organization Change

is the understanding and nurturing environment that must be present "to create safe passage through times of transition" (St-Amour...

Teamwork Effectiveness and How It Can Be Achieved

in tune to the responsibilities which are at hand. Effective leadership in the workplace can provide that mental edge, that self-...

Virtual Team Best Practices

concern for [team members] individual needs and feelings" (Nemiro, 2004; p. 113), and by extension expecting individual team membe...

How Group Leader Demonstrated Skills

This essay discusses the actions, skills, and knowledge of a group leader. It was a virtual higher education team, thus, these ski...

What Really Helps Diverse Team to Perform

This essay reviews a journal article and research study, entitled Cultural Diversity And Team Performance: The Role Of Team Member...

Effective Teamwork

transition to storming and norming stages, they will begin to listen more carefully to the other members, and in the performing st...

Reflection on a Research-Based Team Exercise

change in a meaningful fashion, this allows an organization to respond rapidly where the suspect, as well as to take advantage of ...

Student Assignment on Teamwork

event and then the quiz also allowed different team members to show their varying abilities and become more participative, quieter...

Learning the Virtual Campus

teaches an online freshman English course and, in this article, records her experience getting emails from students. From this inf...

Chinese Language Learning and Building Language Ability and Intelligence

this process on language acquisition and thinking ability over time. For elementary school children, the use of this kind of com...

Virtually Reality Genre; Star Trek's Next-Generation Episode Ship In A Bottle As A Forerunner Of Virtual Reality In The Matrix And The Thirteenth Floor

as a commercially viable and attractive genre by its continued existence and evolution. In all three of the production to ...

Memory Management and Functionality of Windows XP

the stickiest problems with Microsoft operating systems. Perhaps the most fascinating new XP feature is that read-only and...

What To Do With A Dysfunctional Team

take the time to plan how they will work as a group (FAA, Team Performance, 2006). The individuals on the team do not have the sam...

Successful Teams

up of individuals, which may be defined as a single person. A group may be defined as "An assemblage of persons or objects gathere...

Developing Teams

upon the individual and their perspective on the change. Some individuals may feel threatened where as others may be motivated by ...

Learning Teams' Implementation Position Paper

and make recommendations from their findings. Introduction According to Gibbons (1999), "The Chinese character for learning is ac...

Training Program For McDonald's Franchisees

to the corporate values. Service to customers will be given quickly and respectfully. This inherently means the owners, managers a...

Virtual Team Members and Personality Traits

As such, diversity is truly the key to ongoing business success as society moves into the new millennium; however, not all compani...