YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Outside Influences on Employer Employee Relations and Employee Motivation

Essays 241 - 270

How Employees Can Be Managed To Provide A High Level Of Services To Customers.

Model Zeithaml (et al, 2006) has presented a comprehensive model that looks at how leadership and culture will impact on the serv...


communication. For example, Carol Stanleys e-mail to Janet Durham is right on - the message needs to be gotten out that no one is ...

Have Employees Changed?

of motivation models will indicate that were employees feel there is less commitment towards themselves they will react; with less...

Saturn Corporation and Employee Training

Saturn Corporation stands head and shoulders above many other companies in regard to the quality of their employee training effort...

Mercury Web and Graphic Designs Inner Operations Assessment

In a paper consisting of six pages the slippage of production levels along with low employee morale for Mercury Web and Graphic De...

The Performance Appraisal

In a paper consisting of five pages workplace performance appraisals are discussed in terms of the reasons for there administratio...

Performance Appraisal Response

In three pages this paper presents an employee's response to a boss's email regarding performance appraisal criteria with a list t...

Employee Motivation and Compensation

In eleven pages motivating employees examined in a consideration of such theories as Maslow's hierarchy of needs with a Walton Ent...

Contemporary Work Ethics, Managers, Employees, and Peers

In five pages this paper examines the workplace changes that have occurred in recent years and discusses the impact upon work ethi...

Compensation Management and Trends Currently and in the Future

In eight pages this research paper considers compensation management in terms of various techniques such as new employee compensat...

Rights of Employees and Disciplinary Process

In twelve pages employee rights are considered as they relate to job termination and discusses types of disciplinary processes tha...

Study Questions on Management Theory

Kelleher could be used as an example of such a winning CEO. Superlative communications abilities of course are important, b...

Legal Memorandum on Employment and Ethical Treatment

In six pages a legal memorandum that applies several legal viewpoints regarding the issue of the reasons behind an employee's prom...

Employee's Severance Package Request

In five pages this paper discusses a fifteen year middle management employee's company request for a severance package. There are...

Management of a Convenience Store

often work forty hours in a week. Employees are paid an hourly wage just above minimum wage; they begin at $5.50 an hour and it is...

Employee Background Checks and Privacy Issues

have been called into question, judicial and administrative arbitrators have most often found in the favor of the employer, assert...

Nonprofit Organization Personal Index Compiling

process of determining the most potentially profitable group for their marketing focus, Chubb management became aware that the com...

'Bad Attitude' Employee Management

In five pages this paper discusses the fictitious employee Joe Smith and how to develop the potential of this employee who frequen...

Fictitious Case Study on Workplace Sexual Harassment

VII and other pertinent information. MEMORANDUM To: Robert Brown, CEO From: Arthur Taylor, Research Assistant (Legal Departme...

Workplace Compensation

In eleven pages discrepancies of compensation in the workplace are evaluated with such topics as technological change along with a...

Employee Layoff Memo Example

In five pages this paper provides a sample of an inhouse memo that is not intended for employee distribution and involves a small ...

Employee Training and Credibility Legal Issues in Negligence Cases of Employee and Agency Accountability

black equality. Although the 13th Amendment was ratified in December of 1865, its provision that "neither slavery nor involuntary...

Theft of Employees

In five pages employee theft is examined in terms of research that supports the benefits of employee identification badges. Five ...

Discussion of Contracts, Independent Contractors, and Employees

something that might be deemed exclusive material to another magazine. For example, if an interview is set up by Savoy, and the fr...

Benefits Package Design

In fifteen pages designing an employee benefits package that will successfully recruit and retain employees is examined with simpl...

Canadian Company Plan for Employee Development

service in a plan is paramount (Hesketh, 1998). In addition, with Dr. Finch (presumably) wanting to be seen as a "communit...

Employees Should Live As They Desire After Working Hours

be some degree of accountability to the employer. Workplace Violence One concern which employers may have in terms of a persons p...

Compensation and Employees of the El Dorado Company

Barron is wondering if his company has grown to the point where he needs to establish some kind of formal compensation system to r...

When To Test Employees for Drugs

Act of 1991 demanded mandatory drug and alcohol testing "for employees in safety-sensitive positions," and was implemented by the ...

A Review of Staffing the World

are quite remarkable. The company was founded in Detroit in 1946 by William Russell Kelly (1905 - 1998) and was known as...