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Essays 61 - 90

Mahatma Gandhi's 'Goodl Life' According to Aristotle

In eight pages this paper examines Mahatma Gandhi's life in an application of Aristotle's 'good life' concepts. Two sources are c...

Richard Attenborough's Gandhi Film Reviewed

the faith had a salient influence on him throughout his adult life....

Society and How It is Measured

In six pages this paper analyzes society within the context of Mahatma Gandhi's contention, 'The measure of a society is how it tr...

Gandhian Satvagraha as Considered and Evaluated by a Buddhist

Buddhism, basics revolving around the goal of achieving nirvana. Nirvana to the Buddhist is a goal or a path involving, according...

Mahatma Gandhi's Legend and the Role of India in its Creation

the caste system at the time. There are basically four divisions to the caste system. At the top of the group are the Priests and...

The Life of Gandhi

significant and lingers to this day. Gandhi lived in India and helped the people resist British domination (Severance, 1997). Bri...

How We Live & How We Feel About Dying

that she does not want to see him to go his death "not owning up to the part" that he played in death of his victim (Prejean 179)....

Leadership: A Comparison of Notorious Leaders

of the transformation of society. Leaders give people hope and vision. For example, during the Reagan eighties, people became exci...

Twentieth Century Leaders

1994). Hitler proved an able and courageous soldier in World War I, winning the coveted Iron Cross twice. He was blinded temporar...

What Kind of Leader was Gandhi

This essay discusses three types of leadership, transactional, transformational, and servant. The essay provides examples of how G...

Mahatma Gandhi, as Social Movement Leader

This research paper/essay offer an overview of the characteristics, strategies and rhetorical leadership of Gandhi. Five pages in ...

Fundamental Theories/Nursing Faculty Shortage

in nursing educators aged 36 to 45 (Lewallen, et al, 2003). To complicate matters further, recent statistics show that nurses wh...

Comparison Between Indira Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

India has ever had (Khilnani, 2002). This, of course, brings up the question as to why Gandhi is so esteemed, despite her shortcom...

Workplace Leadership Theory

see increase their productivity and value adding contributions. The leader has to understand expectancy theory in terms of leaders...

'Emergency' and Indira Gandhi

that one might readily argue how this particular occurrence was almost predicable. Upon her 1971 election, Gandhis campaign cente...

Different Leaders with the Same Message

In 7 pages this paper discusses the political leadership and revolutionary beliefs of Camilo Torres and Mahatma Gandhi in a consid...

Comparison of the Leadership Styles of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin

In eleven pages this paper examines the differences in leadership styles between Yeltsin and the man he hand picked to succeed him...

Canadian Foreign Policy and the Theories of Hans J. Morgenthau

In twelve pages this research paper examines how with his text on political theory Politics Among Nations The Struggle for Power ...

Leadership as a Privilege

In one page this essay discusses the privileges of a leadership that is earned in an examination of successful leadership qualitie...

Analyzing Noam Chomsky's Views on the United States and the World

still American-made. The Chomsky considers that Israel is more and offshore U.S. military base than a country in its own right --...

19th and 20th Century Asian-American Gangs

7 pages in length. The existing and ever-growing power of Asian-American gangs during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have...

Economic Development's Effect on World Peace

In some cases, the charges have been valid. Many Asian and other nations see no real problem with sweatshop conditions or child l...

4 Questions on Political Science Answered

realist notions concerning what the term "state" means, as "State identities and interests can be collectively transformed within ...

Issues Concerning Leadership

managers and leaders, which are sometimes hard to discern, one thing that is certain is that leaders manage and mangers lead. Each...

Layne/Peace of Illusions

the U.S. undermined the British Empire through a combination of "conditional aid and political leverage," which made eradication o...

Nursing Leadership, Advocacy & Responsibilities

Leadership and management while related are two distinctively different concepts. Leadership can be discerned from simply manageme...

Cash Flow Analysis of Kodak

investor may find of concern. The first and most notable issue is the ongoing loss created by the ongoing operations. Knowing the ...

Johan Galtung’s Peaceful Approach to Peace

his father arrested by the Nazis when they occupied Norway and when on to become a committed pacifist. This places an interesting ...

Leadership - Goleman as the Basis of New Model

leadership requires more than this, as Peter Drucker states, the leaders need to have followers, to inspire and to achieve results...

Burns - Transformational Leadership

few of the many theories will be discussed here. The theories describe how an individual can use the inherent strategies to become...