YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Personal Overview of Learning That is Lifelong

Essays 61 - 90

Significance of Nursing Informatics

the Internet and also the availability of a patients electronic health record (HER) facilitate nurses providing the highest level ...

Admission Statement

During the time there I learned and became involved with tasks such as inventory management and employee scheduling and had opport...

My Most Influential Experience: Hurricane Katrina

of rare and significant works that were prized for their quality or rarity, some of which I had paid dearly for and imported from ...

Self Assessment Aiding Development

same or similar situations arise, in order to give better treatment or make better decisions. While one will always learn from exp...

An Interview Incorporating Appreciative Inquiry

The air transportation industry offers numerous high performing job positions. When a manager is selecting from a pool of applica...

Descriptive Essay: the Father

to share himself; his beliefs, opinions, experiences and values. Also, in writing out a description of someone close, the student ...

White Like Me (Reaction)

of racism on a daily basis. Understanding how race figures in society will be helpful for me as I continue my career path as a cor...

Future of Pharmacy

the procedures for preparing medications, procedures for dispensing medications, and the responsibilities of a pharmacy profession...

The Pentagon Memorial to the Victims of 9/11

noticing that people were gathering together and talking, and the sense of uneasiness and anxiety kept increasing. Finally I decid...

Personal Values in Creating a Positive Learning Environment

management becomes much more complicated as it includes lively class discussions, as well as students undertaking a variety of pro...

Sophocles, Shakespeare and Actions That Speak Louder than Words

is apparent in Hamlet in many ways. First, when Polonius asks Hamlet what hes reading, Hamlet says "Words, words, words" (II.ii.19...


asked to declare a major during my freshman year, I said business. But I really had my eye on becoming that NBA star, at least unt...

Personal Development Planning

after the questionnaires were completed the researchers assessed very achievement by looking at their grade point average, they fo...

Personal Essay: A Significant Life Event

he was so sick. The first I knew about it was a call from my Mom. She didnt give me any details over the phone, just said Dad was ...

Ways to Improve Personal Credit (Article Review)

2006, p.44C). The article overall provides a few interesting questions about credit and does respond with general information. How...

Business Closing Letter

when we were given a $60.00 increase. Such a small increase didnt make up for the increases in gas, light and water, all of which...

Adult Learning, Personal Essay

This essay presents a student with a example of a personal perspective on issues encompassed by adult learning. Three pages in len...

What It Means to be a California Peace Officer: A Cadet’s Story

breaking down Penal Code 502 (c)(6) into its proper sections. This breakdown is based upon the code as stated in version three of...

Impact on Language Learning, Global Issues

This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, pove...

IFL, Article Review

This essay presented a review of "A phenomenology of the integration of faith and learning" by Sites, et al. (2009). The writer of...


in this case the history of religions, any particular "religion" does not seem to mean a great deal. Faith is a very personal issu...

Organized Crime

the society was used to having it and thus would not simply sit quite while it was illegal. But, Prohibition is a good example of ...

Analysis of a Piece of Sculpture

I thought of putting a pocket knife into the ground underneath it and decided, it didnt matter because the illusion was strong eno...

Organizational Training and Learning Project

In six pages this paper examines a project that emphasizes learning during training and how learners can actually gauge their own ...

Reply from Customer Service

In three pages this paper provides a sample letter addressing a customer complaint about ecommerce disclosure of personal informat...

Painter Lee Krasner

works than the colossal The Eye is the First Circle (about 93" x 191" or about eight by sixteen feet), for example. Here her art...

Learning, Organizational and Personal Levels

are more likely to develop in the commercial environment than those who have closed minds, are set in their ways or see no reason ...

How Teachers Can Avoid Making 25 Mistakes

problems. Public humiliation, such as standing in a corner, placing ones nose in a circle on the board, or allowing other students...

Process of Learning

control his or her eyes well enough to scan a line of text from side to side, and the physical aspects of the other activities are...

Mel Gibson's Hamlet

In two pages this essay reviews the Gibson film adaptation and the writer includes a personal reaction....