YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Peruvian Racial Prejudice and an Application of Martin Luther Kings Theories of Nonviolence

Essays 181 - 210

Electronic Media Impact Upon the Life and Achievements of Martin Luther King Jr.

In eight pages this paper examines how Dr. King used the electronic media to get his civil rights' message across. Six sources ar...

Comparison of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

In five pages this paper considers racial issues and the 1960s in making the argument that the similarities that existed between t...

Comparing A. Philip Randolph and Martin Luther King, Jr.

In five pages this paper compares these two major leaders in civil rights. Four sources are cited in the bibliography....

Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King Jr.

In five pages this paper discusses the boycotting of Montgomery buses that inspired this 1958 text and led to the civil rights mov...

Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King on Peace

In five pages this paper examines the similarities and differences in the peace teachings and writings of Thoreau, Gandhi, and Kin...

A Martin Luther King Jr. Letter

In five pages King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' written in 1963 is examined and includes its messages including the way religio...

Civil Disobedience, Martin Luther King, and Henry David Thoreau

gets. If anything Thoreau gives us an emotional warning, He who gives himself entirely to his fellow men appears to them useles...

Philosophy of Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King Jr.

In seven pages this research paper examines how King's philosophy of nonviolent protest was influenced by Indian practitioner of c...

Rhetorical Uses of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

urging Civil Rights activists to be patient, sending more or less an overt message that black Americans should be "grateful" for a...

Analysis of 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.

In five pages this essay analyzes King's audience and purpose and the relationship that exists among analogy, testimony, authority...

Civil Disobedience from the Perspectives of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr.

as Thoreau gets. If anything Thoreau gives us a warning about excessive public involvement: He who gives himself entirely to hi...

Michael Eric Dyson's I May Not Get There with You The True Martin Luther King Jr.

In five pages this biographical text by Dyson is critically analyzed in terms of presentation of subject and how the author occasi...

Jonathan Swift, Thomas Jefferson, Henry David Thoreau, and Martin Luther King Jr. on Responsibility and Freedom

In five pages the historical definitions of responsibility and freedom and how they have changed are featured in the works 'A Mode...

Analysis of Meditation on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Eldridge Cleaver

In eight pages Cleaver's text is analyzed in the context of the racial tensions that existed then and now. There are no other sou...

'I Have a Dream' Speech by Martin Luther King Jr. from a Neo Aristotelian Perspective

dramatize a shameful condition"(Dream.html). King already has the support of African-Americans, therefore, in order for his speec...

Charles Johnson's Portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. in Dreamer

In five pages Johnson's fictional sketch is examined in terms of how it represents the actual man. There are no other sources lis...

School Prayer and the Perspectives of Socrates, Henry David Thoreau, and Martin Luther King Jr.

In 5 pages this paper examines the reactions to public school prayer by this trio of social philosophers and what advice each woul...

Messages of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Compared

primary source. It was not known at the time of publication, however, that the autobiography would create such a furor over its r...

Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

In seven pages this paper examines civil disobedience as envisioned by MLK and the lack of conformity of Gandhi to this view. Fou...

Nonviolent Philosophies of Cesar Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Henry David Thoreau

a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs" (Thoreau 188)....

Human Nature According to Martin Luther King Jr. Albert Camus, and Elie Wiesel

4). More and more cases of ill people and dead rats keep turning up, urging Dr. Rieux and Castel to become more certain that wh...

Appeal to Emotions in 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.

it illustrates just how long the African has been pushed down and ignored. He tells the reader that it is easy to be patient, or t...

Reevaluation of Martin Luther King Jr.

lot longer than just the years King was in the spotlight (usually considered the period from 1954-1968), and that focusing on his ...

Fighting Racism with Martin Luther King Jr. and Toni Bambara

is similar to arguing that a man who leaves his home with money in his possession incites robbery. As this suggests, King successf...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life and Achievements

the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed and Dr. King was deemed president (1998). It was on that same day that the well...

Universe, Justice, and Martin Luther King Jr.

any sense of justice. But, the universe, in terms of the cosmic and God does have a concern for justice. As such the future, if th...

The Mission of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life

This is a two part biography of the famed civil rights activist consisting of three pages with the theme of the first part applied...

Dreams of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

In six pages this essay compares the dreams of each of these African American activists. Five sources are cited in the bibliograp...

Different Approaches of Civil Rights Leaders Malcolm X and Martin Luther King

In five pages this paper evaluates the short and long term influences of Malcolm and King in a contrasting of their very different...

Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

2002). In the wake of the bus boycott launched by black residents in 1955 in response to the Rosa Parks incident on a Montgomery c...