YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Pet Peeve Drivers on Cell Phones

Essays 1 - 30

Pet Peeve: Drivers on Cell Phones

an unsafe activity. There have been a variety of studies have investigated the effect of cell phone use on driving performance. ...

Cell Phones for All

(22.2 million) (Largest mobile phone companies, 2006). Because there are so many plans and phones available, well look just at Cin...

Student Posed Questions Answered in a Trio of Essays

When something needs to be done, it is often the consumer who has to do the leg work. Another pet peeve involves people who drive...

Pet Care Industry

As stated, the pet food industry already generates more than $53 billion in sales; accessories and nonessential services (i.e., ex...

Dangerous Habits Of Today's Drivers

driving is the primary reason youths have catapulted themselves to the top of such an unfavorable list, inasmuch as technology has...

Responsible Pet Ownership

ownership, because it once again acts as a preventive measure against accidents or injuries for the animals, damaged household ite...

Differences In The Way A Mammalian Cell And Yeast Cells Coordinate Cell Growth And Cell-Cycle Progression

cells, which means that there must be check points as there is a constant average size in a yeast cell population, if this were no...

Cockroach Eulogy

In five pages this lighthearted sample of creative writing involving a student's dorm roommate, a beloved pet cockroach....

Cell Structure Aspects and Current Research

In ten pages cell structure aspects are examined in terms of current research and include a consideration of nerve cells, cell div...

Urban Land Supply; Drives and Constraints in Beijing

growing cities and with a high level of state control in this communist country it may be expected that the urban development proc...

Research on Stem Cells

This essay discusses several aspects of stem cells and stem cell research beginning with what are stem cells and why are they so i...

Mobile Phone Use by Drivers

if talking with someone in the car and not on the phone. A meta-analysis by Brace, Young, and Regan (2007) found that talking on...


plan to add 600,000 lines of service by late 1992. Bond also planned to install cellular service and paging services, develop a hi...

Martin Scorsese Cinematic Comparison

In nine pages Bringing Out the Dead and Taxi Driver are contrasted and compared in terms of themes, characterization, and cinemati...

Cell Phone and Brain Cancer Connection?

In twelve pages this paper studies medical research to conclude that brain cancer is not caused by cell phone usage. Eight source...

Human Environment and the Impacts of Radiation from Cellular Phones

63). In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished with...

Cellular Telephones and Issues of Safety

In five pages this paper discusses the dangers associated with driving while using a cell phone. Four sources are cited in the bi...

Cellular Communications

Cellular communications--both analog and digital--is the subject of focus in this five page paper that makes use of four bibliogra...

Fraud and Cellular Phones

In twelve pages the practice of cell phone fraud is discussed in terms of perpetrators, victims, costs, and applicable case law. ...

Urban Legend or Zeitgeist Myths

still believe that they will get cancer by overuse of their cell phones. By and large, this is not a bad urban legend in that it m...

Supplier Positions in the Cell Phone Market

quarter of 2004 Nokia had dropped to a market share level of 29.7% compared to 35.6% for the same quarter the previous year (Tech ...

Cell Phone Industry and Government Regulations

the government do, however, if definitive research is completed that irrefutably identifies cell phones as a causative agent in th...

Possibilities and Blight of Cell Phones

drunk. Some states have made driving and using a cell phone illegal, but most states do not. This professor also states how stu...

Critical Response to Cell Phone Technology

voice is composed of sine waves, each of which has amplitude, frequency, and phase (Stern and Mazella, 1996). Amplitude is the wa...

Teenage Cell Phone Banning in the Name of Road Safety

A University of Utah study earlier this year illustrated this fact by showing how drivers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-...

Failing Grade Issued to Cell Phones

in with their children before and after school. In a society where we know it is important to know where our children are, and to ...

Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving

that talking on cellular phones while driving would increase the risk of an automobile accident (Silva States 18). A driver who ...

Prison and Cell Phones

or orchestrate the smuggling of more contraband" (16). In another state, the state of Arkansas, "Prison officials...see the spread...

Dangers of Driving While Using Cell Phones

in their homeroom classes or planning the semesters best party for this coming Friday night to worrying about the upcoming algebra...

Unsafe Driving Practices

In this essay consisting of three pages the risks of talking on a cell phone while driving are discussed and described as being as...