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Plato's Life and Philosophical Dialogues

in the Peloponnesian War, which ended in a resounding defeat for Athens in 404 B.C. (Levinson ix-x). While it can be assumed that...

Principles for Life/Apology and Crito

if "what he does is right or wrong, whether he is acting like a good or bad man" ("Apology" 28b)(Plato 32-33). In regards to how ...

Nature of the Soul and the Theories in Phaedo by Plato

must pay for such without question. In Crito, we see Socrates pretending that the laws are coming to talk to him. They say to him...

Philosophical Essay Applications

defines it as sort of a liveliness of vividness that accompanies the perception of a new idea. A belief, he says, is more than an...

Forms, Immortal Soul, and Defining Virtue in Phaedo and Meno by Plato

different aspects of individual virtue can be seen to be included. Meno offers the suggestion that virtue can be defined as the wi...

Dialogue Format of Plato

In five pages this report discusses Plato's dialogues in terms of how Socrates regarded his philosophical role and how he was pres...

Dialogue Between Gorgias and Socrates

In six pages this paper examines Plato's Gorgias which describes a philosophical dialogue between the title character and Socrates...

Meno and Socrates in Meno by Plato

In five pages this paper examines the philosophical questions resulting from the dialogue between Meno and Socrates as presented i...

Thucydides v. Plato in Defining the Good Life

what was passing in the world around them, to the realm of re-presentative intellect. An external phenomenon is thus translated i...

Reality According to Aristotle and Plato and Using the Philosophy of Parmenides

In five pages this research paper examines how Parmenides' Eleatic philosophy was used by Aristotle and Plato as a way for reality...

Theories and Methods of Socrates and Plato

Brian Vickers portrays Plato as an intellectual Odysseus, stealthily stealing the rhetorical arsenal of the sophists and using it ...

Justice, Politics, and Knowledge According to Hobbes and Plato

Essentially, the allegory likens those who remain unaware of forms to prisoners chained in a cave, and they cannot turn their head...

Socrates Life and Philosophy as Revealed in Five Dialogues by Plato

In eight pages this paper examines Socrates' life and philosophy as represented in the Five Dialogues of Plato. Four sources are ...

The Cave by Jose Saramago

This essay pertains to The Cave by Jose Saramago and presents the interpretation that the author stresses the similarities between...

Plato's "Crito" and "Apology"/Augustine's Confessions

This essay focuses on Plato's use of dialogue in his "Apology" and "Crito," and Augustine's use of the monologue in his "Confessio...

Dramatic Detail and Narrative Structure in The Republic by Plato

is no realistic political system, for it takes considerably more than one mans word to impart a true sense of unity. "Thus, for y...

Socrates' Arguments in The Republic, Apology, and Crito

In five pages this paper considers the purpose of Socrates' arguments as featured in three of Plato's dialogues. There are no oth...

Truth According to Plato in The Republic, Apology, and Crito

In eight pages this paper analyzes how Plato's methods as they involve truth are considered in an examination of this trio of dial...

Soul Theory of Plato Featured in The Republic, Phaedrus, and Crito

In nine pages this paper considers Plato's views regarding the soul's immortality as featured in three of his dialogues. There ar...

Euthyphro by Plato and the Reactions of David Hume and Immanuel Kant

In six pages this paper discusses how Plato's Euthyphro would be received by Hume and Kant in a consideration of family duty, love...

Concept of Justice According to Socrates

In five pages this paper examines Socrates' dialogue with Thrasymachus and considers his concept of justice as described in Plato'...

Thematic Similarities in the Writings of Plato, Cicero, and Sophocles

then, accompanied by proof, it can therefore be called knowledge. He seems to move in circles a bit with this assertion, in that ...

Value of Piety

Socrates ideas. He states that he will be Euthyphros student in these matters. Of course, it would seem that Socrates is being a b...

Ascetic and Hedonistic Ideals in Protagoras by Plato

In five pages this report argues that both Protagoras and Socrates' ideals are ascetic and hedonistic as presented in Plato's dial...

Justice, Morality, and the Soul According to Plato

In twelve pages Plato's dialogues The Republic, Phaedrus, and Gorgias are examined in an analysis of how the philosopher conceptua...

5 Dialogues of Plato and Human Nature

It is important for to understand that there exist a great many philosophies by which people live their lives. These philosophies...

Questions on Plato's Meno, Apology, Crito, and Euthyphro Answered

In five pages this paper examines four of Plato's dialogues in order to provide answers to various questions. There are no other ...

Dialogue Between Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates on Virtue and Vice in Daily Life

In five pages this paper examines a hypothetical contemporary dialogue between these 3 philosophers on how daily life features vir...

Socrates' Life and Philosophies

In fourteen pages this paper examines Socrates in an overview of his life and philosophical views regarding law, religion, reason ...

Philosophy Questions and Religion

for example, would exist even if there were no human beings there to see it, but not that colour was an independent spiritual form...