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Essays 31 - 60

Emily Dickinson's Attraction To Death

to a twentieth-century Existentialist philosopher, Ford opines, "Emily Dickinson felt great anxiety about death... She apparently...

Poetry by Hardy and Eliot

himself who willed that he should suffer (lines 5-8). In other words, Hardy pictures preferring a world such as the ancient Gre...

Comparing Poetry Attitudes of Aristotle and Plato

things that are not concrete, but ideas. This type of thinking, the student could state, however, really puts a hold on empirical ...

ABC Diner : Powerpoint Notes and Short Paper

because the customers did not want to be accommodated in tables of four. While the setting might be perfect for Valentines Day whe...

U-Build-It Hardware Company eCommerce Implementation plan - A Presentation

the orders and send them out, manual process will be needed in order to complete the process on the system and adjust the accounts...

Rio Tinto

to the company and also gives them a much easier route to withdraw should then need to do so. Rio Tinto use their bargaining power...

A PowerPoint Presentation on Models of Investment

Over the years investors have sought models that they can use to identify good investment opportunities. This presentation looks a...

Review of The Mystery Religions by Samuel Angus

maintain his claims. As one becomes lost in the unraveling of a very ancient tale, one becomes aware that the author is purposel...

The Leadership of Alex Gorsky

Alex Gorsky is the CEO of Johnson & Johnson. This paper is written as a presentation to introduce the leader to an audience who do...

Steps to Effective Speaking

Oral presentations are usually brief discussions of a specific topic that are delivered to an audience. There are methods that can...

Problem of Mass Incarceration

This research paper discusses the problem of mass incarceration and how it should be addressed. This paper is associated with powe...

A Deadly Enemy to Health, Diabetes Mellitus

This paper pertains to the speaker notes for 9 slide power point presentation, khDMppt. This presentation is designed to offer inf...

Effective Presentation Creation

steps that will look professional. The benefit of using this tool is the compatibility with other Microsoft Office applications th...

Speaker Notes for the Qualitative Study 'Sustainability in the Boardroom An Empirical Examination of Dow Jones Sustainability World Index Leaders'

this sense assumes no technological advances or economic changes in the specific area being evaluated. The manufacturing of laund...

Cheshire Football Club and Management of a Soccer Team

to season ticket holders. Some clubs with long waiting lists for the opportunity to buy season tickets have had empty seats, whic...

International Financial Tools

in one market, such as political instability, economic problems, changes in interest rates or concerns regarding inflation as well...

Overview of the Central Nervous System

connects to all the major structures in the body and controls voluntary and involuntary movement. The spinal cord provides a link...

Exercise as Self Help

care deficit theory and The transtheroretical model of exercise behaviour as well as allowing for the characteristics of those wit...

Nursing Case Management: A Power Point

2000). Slide: Orems Self-Care Theory Self-care and the Role of the Practitioner Diabetes Self-Management Training Empowering I...

Improving Customer Retention - Useful Measures

strategy may also be considered, looking at number of times this promotion runs, and the response rate. The last measure may be lo...

Menopause-related Syptoms

This paper provides the speaker notes that are associated with khmenopause.pptx, which is a PowerPoint presentation that describes...

Nutrition Professionalism/Speaker Notes

This research paper provides the speaker notes to a PowerPoint presentation, khspknotnutp.ppt. This presentation pertains to profe...

Reed (2010), An Article Critique

This pair consists of the speaker notes for khapnpall.ppt, a six-slide Power Point presentation that critiques an article, Reed (2...

Reversing Beijing's Downward Tourism Trend

The writer presents presentation slides, writer as if from a PR agency, with a sales pitch to the Beijing Municipal Commission of...

The Benefits of Running

This slide presentation provides a look at the benefits of this popular sport. There are two sources contained in the bibliography...

The Oklahoma Bombing

Lori and Michael Fortier Speaker Notes: Michael Fortier was born in Maine in 1968, but met his wife in Arizona before entering t...

The Security Requirements to Protect Privacy of Medical Records

transmitted in an electronic format. Slide 3 The security rule applies to organizations and individuals that are classified a...

Reducing Falls Rates - Presentation of a Proposal

The paper is a presentation made up 12 slides and notes for the speaker. The presentation outlines a protocol for a new multifact...

Assessing Suitable Leadership Styles

The paper is a PowerPoint presentation made up of ten slides. The presentation examines different types of leadership styles in or...

Feedback from a Mentor on Presentation Proposing a Fall Prevention Program

The writer provides some feedback that may have been provided by a mentor, looking at a presentation given by the student. The pr...