Essays 1 - 30
In thirty five pages various philosophers such as Pythagoras, Plato, John Stuart Mill, and Immanuel Kant are incorporated into an ...
In five pages this research paper discusses Frank Navran's best practices ethics program and its twelve elements in a consideratio...
for an ethical faux pas. That is, if someone errs by brutalizing another human being, even if they are technically correct in resp...
Section 15 of the Act technically allows representatives of the federal government to access private records such as our library t...
When it comes to applying ethical standards to policing, its not enough to simply use ones own life as a guide, because it is poss...
one is afraid to get caught? And what of rationality - is that not merely a reflection of ones own self-interest? It is importan...
This paper discusses the benefits of whistle blowing in law enforcement in five pages. Four sources are cited in the bibliography...
force they can join an existing municipal force or contract with the RCMP or the provincial police in order to police the area (Mc...
This paper offers summary, contrasts, comparisons, and weakness analyses of these ethical philosophies. No additional sources are...
In ten pages this paper examines law enforcement work in an assessment of ethics and moral philosophy with the Amadou Diallo case ...
In seven pages this report considers policing within the private sector and the importance of an ethical code. Four sources are c...
In twelve pages community policing is considered from an ethical perspective in terms of virtue, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism wi...
principles its members completely and accept without challenge - has indeed proven to be one of the most powerful standards of con...
with bankruptcy due to few retail operations and declining real estate sales made the boroughs administrators consider more than o...
In order to be effective community corrections must be structured around ethical principles and police behavior must reflect that ...
This paper pertains to police officers' roles, and police subculture and ethics. Three pages in length, six sources are cited. ...
go to the individual and what he or she believes is right and wrong. A code of ethics will likely hold two models. One is whether ...
identity, police officers frequently apply the ideal of distributive justice and subsequently perceive job satisfaction in relatio...
probably have that arrest thrown out. Likewise a rookie who obtains evidence in an illegal search will have that ruled inadmissibl...
"right to remain silent unless he chooses to speak in the unfettered exercise of his own will" (384 U.S. 437). Miranda,...
colleagues," 2007). These members of the auxiliary wear no guns or bullet proof vests. They were gunned down as they tried to help...
stopped using drugs and wants to make a clean life will call the police on a former drug dealer. A neighbor who looks out the wind...
This is an informational research paper consisting of ten pages in which policing dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Sumeria...
has it helped? After all, stories of police brutality continue to surface despite positive changes reported in policing overall. O...
In eight pages this paper discusses the hiring requirements for New York City law enforcement officers in a consideration of wheth...
role of welfare sympathizers in an already-overwrought social work system. The disposition of law enforcement officers, com...
model go to long standing issues such as gang violence or traffic problems. In other words, the focus is not just on resolving a s...
firing guns and shouting "God is great!" in Arabic, then turned over the ominous recording to a clerk at Circuit City in Mount Lau...
In an essay consisting of twelve pages the process involved in becoming a New York City Police Department auxiliary police officer...
Four decades ago, police departments began considering other models of policing that would bring them closer to the people. Team p...