YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Policy and Effectiveness of George Washington

Essays 1 - 30

Foreign Policy Implications of the Farewell Address of George Washington

sense as America approaches the 21st century. It is important to remember that Washingtons political ideas were always combined wi...

Taking on Hepatitis B in a Philadelphia High School

programs on Hepatitis B and the risk factors that increase ones susceptibility. The first of these programs will provide an overv...

Wiencek/On George Washington

than "anywhere else" (Henriques 414). However, the "bad news" is that amidst Wienceks narrative there are numerous errors, as well...

George Washington's Experiences in the American Revolution

and in March of 1776 he used a cannon from Henry Knox ("American Revolution - George Washington," 2005). He would make a mistake ...

George Washington

most important qualities possessed by Washington and thus a quality that would be reflected in the successes of his army. ...

Booker T. Washington's Autobiography Up from Slavery

Booker T. Washington's autobiography is analyzed in five pages. There are no other sources listed....

Biography of George Washington

individualism. Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that Americans might look to the father of their country for guidance and...

Mason Weems' Fictional George Washington Text and the Actual Man

In four pages this paper examines how Mason Weems' fictional account of George Washington's life is responsible for many of the mi...

Faith and Character of George Washington

his sons small face, he wished great things for him. "We shall call him George," he said as he turned to his wife, "George Washin...

George Washington's Genius

In four pages this research paper discusses Edmund S. Morgan's The Genius of George Washington. There are no other sources listed...

Arthur Lefkowitz's George Washington's Indispensable Men

for the daily running of a large army, was still more than a century in the future. Washington had only the "rudimentary elements"...

Profiling Booker T. Washington

Washington and Realistic Hope For many individuals it is one thing to have ideals and to struggle for those ideals their entire l...

Fischer/Washington’s Crossing

action, with red gunports open, batteries run out, and huge white battle ensigns streaming in the breeze" (Fischer 31). He then r...

Booker T. Washington According to W.E.B. Du Bois

book The Souls of Black Folk, in which he presented his own sociological theories concerning race relations. It was with the publi...

The Presidency in the Federal Era

as well as foreign policy issues. For example, Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law, something that made it difficult...

Influence Peddling: The K Street Project

Public Citizens Congress Project (Chaddock, 2003). According to Clemente, "The revolving door is becoming more comfortably establi...

Law, Policy, Research and Results in Domestic Violence

the use or attempted use of physical force or the threatened use of a deadly weapon (Section 922 (g)[9])" (Federal Domestic Violen...

Anti-Terrorism Policies

the globe (Perl, 2007). In terms of attitude, one might measure the effectiveness of terrorism policies by gauging the degree to w...

George Washington and the Revolutionary War

as a great leader and notes the following: "Realism, strategic imagination, adaptability, and political savvy are all aspects of W...

Obama and Reelection

13, 2011, President Barack Obama spoke at George Washington University about the dire crisis facing the nation in the form of the ...

Art and Music A Reflection of and an Impact to American Culture

This paper examines art like a diversity of art to discern its impact on our culture. World War II's Rosie the Riveter is explore...

Patrick Henry and George Washington

George Washingtons early life, leading people to speculate that it was typical for a boy of his class and status (George Washingto...

Corruption and George Washington Plunkitt

places of Assemblyman, Alderman, Police Magistrate and County Supervisor and drew three salaries at once -- a record unexampled in...

Three Revolutionary Leaders Compared

lot about he character of this man who was a dominating force in the American Revolution. The French Revolution was bloodier, an...

Houdon's George Washington Statue

In 1785, Houdon joined Franklin on a journey to America, and arrived in Philadelphia (Jean-Antoine Houdon, 2003). From there, he ...

Arguing in Favor of Capital Punishment

This paper consists of five pages and discusses how the death penalty can serve as a crime deterrent as illustrated by large city ...

Richard Brookhiser's Founding Father

In six pages this report considers Brookhiser's 1996 George Washington biography that presents a man less concerned about politics...

Biography of George Washington Carver

In eight pages this research paper provides a biographical sketch of African American scientist George Washington Carver. Eight s...

Character of Presidents and How It Is Formed

In sixteen pages this paper discusses how time and circumstances are responsible for shaping the presidential character in a consi...

Revolutionary War Responses

to be every expensive. The British authorities felt that the colonies should pay taxes that would help cover the cost of housing s...