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Essays 1 - 30

Population, Australia and the Chinese

is much to be said in favour of countries working cooperatively to solve population issues: if we take the former, however, it is ...


without a whole lot of trouble. But is an open economy necessarily a good thing for Australia? What, exactly, are the advantages o...

Refugees in Australia

Convention of 1951, dealing specifically with refugees and rules for asylum. Those who flee their country of origin to escape pol...

Global Population Analysis

Rwanda and Iraq whose population is project to more than double between 2004 and 2050 - 104 percent in Rwanda and 124 percent in I...

Alcohol Use of Polices Among the Indigenous Population in Australia

(Kelly and Kowalyszyn, 2003; Saggers and Gray, 1997, Weller et al, 1992), however in many instances the attention has been focused...

"Smoking Among Chinese Americans: Behavior, Knowledge, And Beliefs" - Summary And Response

The authors recognize how utilizing this single Chicago community is not sufficient to represent the entire Chinese American popul...

Deng Xiaoping and Economic Liberalization

if it didnt compromise Communist rule, which for all practical purposes means there was no reform considered (Pei). Dengs views ...

Art of China Featured at LACMA

their writing was essential pictorial, but did allow for the expression of abstract ideas. Warfare with neighboring areas was a w...

'Wh in Situ' Chines and English Movements

Chinese and English wh movements are contrasted and compared in a paper consisting of ten pages....

'Essay on Literature' or 'Wen Fu' by Lu Chi

In six pages this report examines this ancient Chinese literary essay....

Educational Futures in Australia

the other nations of the world. Of all the scenarios discussed, that of continued globalization is the one of greatest impo...

Analysis of Mona in the Promise Land by Gish Jen

In five pages this paper examines and analyzes this Chinese American novel first published in 1996....

Love in a Small Town by Wang Anyi

sees the cultural upheavals which have befallen the mainland in its over forty years under socialism as a backdrop, not a major pl...

China and the Possibility of Revolution

societal dictates under which Chinese women had lived for centuries. This period was characterized by a complex interaction betwe...

Superpower Status of China

the low-end retailers like Wal-Mart are able to supply inexpensive goods, low income Americans will remain satisfied and uncritica...

Women and the Australian Legal System: A 13 page paper in 2 parts

of men only. It was not until 1987 - nearly 100 years after the schools emergence as a school and well over 100 years after its f...

The Chinese and Japanese Bureaucracies

determining both assignments and promotions" (Pempel, 1992, p. 19). The model for the bureaucracy that exists in Japan today was...

'Labor Slowdown Campaign' 2004 Australian Article Sociological Assessment

Now, drivers are taking action. Why are they doing this? The employees claim that they want more rights, and that drivers are be...

Chinese Literary Works

the mountain (Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain). As the characters wait for Fox Volant, they start to recall incidents from the p...

Clothing of China

Long thought to be legendary, it has recently proven to actually have existed, but theres no information on the type of clothing w...

New Zealand and Australia's Indigenous Peoples and Political Rights

law protects against discrimination and provides for true equality, in reality even the rule of law cannot provide for true equali...

Cost Savings in Email Communications

Tauhert (1998) lists six characteristics of an effective approach to knowledge management: * Collaboration. This...

Douglas Robertson's Wake Up Australia

however, and we begin to feel that the poem will clearly focus on some political argument. He then introduces the word "white" ...

Australia's Lend Lease Corporation

million 38 xix. Operating profit before tax (Answer in dollars; making sure to provide the unit of measurement (millions; 000s) A...

Connection Between Poverty and Juvenile Crime in Australia

In five pages Australia is the focus of this inquiry into the relationship between juvenile delinquency and crime with topics incl...

Population Control in China

policy," with the goal of leveling out the population at 1.2 billion by the year 2000, and then bringing it down to 700 million ov...

Indonesia and Chinese 'Scapegoats'

In fifteen pages the Chinese living in Indonesia are discussed in terms of their large percentages of shop ownership despite a sma...

Depictions of Aboriginal People in Australia 1729 - 2006

Overell, 1993). A more civilised image was put forward by Hawkesworth in 1773 when editing the account of Captain Cooks voyage. ...

Stereotype Cause And Effect On The Black Population

enact gratuitous murder. Moreover, all blacks are drug addicts, deal drugs and live in the ghetto, an equation that causes them t...

Australia and Substandard Health of the Aboriginal Population

to Aboriginal Australians. Aboriginal Health In writing for the British Medical Societys journal The Lancet, Leeder (1998) expla...