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Essays 1 - 30

Possible Futures For The Microsoft Corporation

antagonize the government. Gates attitude appears to be one of the principal factors behind why the ruling went against Microsoft....

Future Accounting Projections and Medical Care

In five pages this student submitted case study projects future medical accounts with Microsoft Excel and analyzes how they may be...

Twentieth Century Rise of the Microsoft Corporation

compete. There had in fact been "wars" with rivals, an example of which is Netscape, a company that threatened to form a new sof...

Political Contributions and Microsoft's Antitrust Lawsuit

Since 1945, there have been two monumental discoveries that launched computers into an entirely new realm of acceptance and, thus,...

Competition Issues and Microsoft

to Nintendo (European Report, 2002). 3. Navision, a Danish company that develops enterprise and accounting software (The Practical...

Microsoft and the Anti Trust Lawsuit

In six pages this paper examines Microsoft's monopoly and the anti trust lawsuit levied against the corporation in a consideration...

Issues Related to the Antitrust Case of the Microsoft Corporation

Needless to say, there were many who were irate about the decision, although most consumers who use Microsoft products were elated...

Microsoft and Their Diversification Strategy

Devices divisions are examples of this diversification. The level of competitive rivalry will depend on the level of intens...

China and Microsoft

revealed that Microsofts Foxpro by far led its class of software programs in the PRC, accounting for 65 percent of its class. Thi...

Fictitious AA Corporation's Styles of Communication

allowed himself sick time while he was building up the business, so why should his employees expect the same amount of time?...

Overview of the Microsoft Windows NT OS

Microsoft's Windows NT operating system is examines in an overview consisting of twelve pages that includes its history, system co...

Apple Computers' Struggle Against Microsoft.

A paper that addresses the problems faced by Apple Computers, Inc. The author contends that Apple computers main competition, Mic...

The Rise of Corporations into the 21st Century

and an unwavering supporter of Laissez faire capitalism that is freedom from intervention of any sort save that of force in the pr...

Merging with Microsoft

This research paper discusses a hypothetical business and what factors should be considered before making a decision to merge with...

Possible Trends in the Future of Marketing

Through the Organization." His point was that "while fuzzy ideas are easy enough to come by, they are a tough sell elsewhere in t...

X.500, Novell Directory Service, and Active Directory

world leader in directory protocol. "A subset of X.500, called Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), is helping to break ...

Skype - An Input Analysis

advantage, differentiation and focus. The strategy followed by Skype is not that of focus, as the firm is clearly seeking to appea...

Software Monopoly of the Microsoft Corporation

The business practices of Microsoft are examined in 12 pages in which this paper examines whether or not it has a software industr...

Is Microsoft an Actual Monopoly?

that there were tacit agreements between producers (Microsoft) and retailers in which the retailer was forced to agree to handle c...

A Review of the 3Com Corporation

the best products available on the market. In 1998, 3Com announced it intended to introduce a Palm Pilot with built-in wireless co...

1890 Sherman Antitrust Act and Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft then approached Mastercard "with a proposal to create a product called Win ATM (ph). If that had happened, Harris said,...

Morgan's Organizational Metaphors and the Microsoft Corporation Analyzed

its popular Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office Suite. The company has expanded within the last decade to include su...

Major Software Corporations and Issues of Security

a single patch was created by Microsoft to address both problems (2003). One vulnerability, as described by the bulletin, explai...

Business Practices of Microsoft

In ten pages this paper discusses the management and human resource practices of Microsoft Corporation. Eight sources are cited i...

Biography of Bill Gates

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington ("Gates" PG). His knickname was, or at least his family called him,...

Pros and Cons of Corporate Regulation by the Government

In seven pages this paper examines the Microsoft case in terms of the issues it brought to the surface in a consideration of how c...

Antitrust Laws and Microsoft

first needs to review the Microsoft case and then consider how anti-trust laws should be applied. Microsoft is one of the ...

Licensing Your Product

and Sapsford, 2005; p. A1); Sony had given up the struggle by 1992 (Cusumano, Mylonadis and Rosenbloom, 1992). VHS emerged ...

Antitrust Controversy and the Microsoft Corporation

probably came from his early upbringing on the farm was waste not, want not. If he thought that the producers of barrels were char...

TQM and Leadership Importance

products can be produced. The purpose of this paper will be to explore the history of quality management and determine what...