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Post September 11 Elementary Schools in New Jersey

with the family. Of course, the other side of the coin is that this event is the first time--aside from Pearl Harbor--that America...

Income Inequality News Analysis

In seven pages income equality is considered in an examination of post September 2000 Business Week and Fortune business journals....

A History of Foreign Language Curricula in American Schools

of the world speaks languages other than English. Hence, there is good reason to speak the language. Yet, American public schools ...

The Elementary School Classroom

in one corner of the playground there was a collapsible table covered with pots of paste, construction paper, crayons, chalk, scis...

Fallout of Terrorism and Arson, 2001 and 1933

the Nazi party, as evidenced by the outcome of the General Election of November 1932 (Gellately 76). The outcome of that election...

The Importance of 9-11

indeed witnessed an attack inside our borders but that attack was limited both in its extent and in the continued threat that it r...

Adolescent Treatment of Substance Abuse

In five pages this paper incorporates sections from the KTadldrg.wps paper file and briefly describes Mount Freedom, New Jersey's ...

NJ Social Services Programs

In five pages this paper examines New Jersey's social service programs in a consideration of such groups as the 'Self Help Clearin...

Post September 11 Airport Security Screening

According to the federal government, the importance of newly implemented procedures is not to be compromised by someone who cannot...

Creating Paranoia Post-September 11, 2001: The U.S.A. Patriot Act

Within 3 pages, the U.S.A. Patriot Act is analyzed for the reassurance it is supposed to provide to the American people and the su...

Post September 11 Immigration Laws of the United States

aftermath of the terrorist attacks has been to cast suspicion on specific groups of people. Civil rights attorneys charge that so...

Congress United Post September 11, 2001

obtain search warrants and allows the FBI more power to look at Internet transmissions (2001). The law allows the surveillance of...

Cook County, IL, and Post September 11 Infrastructure Problems

will be used as an example, but is by no means the only county that is affected by the current atmosphere. However, in finding sol...

Post September 11 Restoration Article and Qualitative Research

recovery process was demonstrated in the success in restoring communications network in New York City and Washington, D.C. ... wit...

Reality Verses Fiction Portrayals of Terrorism Such as that in The Siege

thing as targeting other ethnic groups" (Ebert PG). Ebert goes on the draw comparisons as to the treatment given to Arab-America...

Global Security Environmental Changes

States power and security position? Many questions linger. Since the cold war has ended, many thought that it was the end of secu...

Office of Homeland Security

as flown directly into the Pentagon. Meanwhile, in a scenario that resembled something on the silver screen, another plane was hij...

High School Alternatives

In an analysis comprised of nine pages the Newark New Jersey's 'Cities in School' program is discussed with the 'Burger King' acad...

The Use of a New Math Program

articles in professional and popular media has placed a renewed concern about math performance of American students at the forefro...

NYC and the Real Estate Market After the 911 Attacks

days, and then everything went back to what was thought to be normal. After September 11, 2001, things would never be the same aga...

Is a New Type of Warfare Warranted Since 911?

defend against terrorists who are at once patient, smart and willing to die" (Anonymous Bush: Were At War, 2001; p. 26). The enemy...

Analysis of US Antiwar Organizations and American Peace Movements from September 11 2001 until March 20, 2003

military, pursuing a permanent war economy, and mentioned the possibility of retaliation at every opportunity (Coy, 2003). In his...

Analysis/Paterson Public Schools Tech Plan

which will provide teachers with "new student data management systems," and also provide "dynamic technology-based environments an...

The Importance of ESL in the International School Curriculum

meet the demands that society dishes out, and cultural demands as well. This is becoming increasingly more significant as the worl...

Literature Review on Absenteeism

do not exceed 3 percent of the school years (Romero and Lee, 2007). Risk Factors for absenteeism Researchers have noted that the...

NYC Tourism

have been traveling to New York City as long as travel has been a pastime. New York City is a magnet for tourists, but of course h...

New Jersey and Juvenile Delinquency In New Jersey

In nine pages this paper examines the problem of juvenile delinquency in American society with the primary focus being upon the yo...

Post 911 New York

affairs for airlines and soon the government would create a bailout package for them. Restaurants in New York City were empty as w...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

School Governance Case Study Analysis

2nd, 4th and 6th grade for the 1999-2002 school years showed a clear upward trend. The average gains were 21%. Specifically, the 2...