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Power, Karl Rove, and George W Bush

presidential candidates, but was himself subjected to the use of power by others. George W Bush was the son of George Bush, and ...

Homeland Security Personal Response

are occasionally updated, which means the activist is still under secret surveillance. Considering the culture of fear in which Am...

John Kerry v. George W. Bush's Views on the Supreme Court Contrasted

of Bush and Kerry are intimately aware, of course, that the judicial branch can override both the President and Congress. They ar...

Campaign Issues in the Presidential Election of 2004

has not sufficiently supplemented the needy systems with cash. In essence, schools continue to fail not because they do not want t...

U.S. Economy During the Presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush

that can control things such a taxes. They are also involved in appointments to economic posts, such as Secretary of the Treasury ...

Economic Policies of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush

September 11, 2001, and rushed headlong into full blown recession with the grounding of the US airline industry. Selected Economic...

Comparisons Between Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush

have presided over rough economies. The poor economy, in fact, cost Bush Senior the 1992 election. According to experts, Bush Juni...

Abraham Lincoln and Presidential Power

fact engaged in international political action and many believe that they did not consult Congress, as they should have. C...

Imperial Presidency of George W. Bush

bureaucracy, and thus opportunities for constituent service, while, at the same time, avoiding any blame" (OKeefe et al PG). Maki...

U.S. Presidential Office

In eight pages this paper discusses the foreign affairs' role of the U.S. President in a consideration of Woodrow Wilson's policy ...

Persian Gulf War and President George H.W. Bush

In nine pages this paper discusses the presidential power misuse of President George H.W. Bush as it relates to the war in the Per...

2000 Democratic Party Ads Critiqued from Psychoanalytical, Feminist, Semiological, and Marxist Perspectives

In six pages advertising and its power are discussed in terms of how a Democratic Party ad in 2000 targeted the abortion views of ...

Christian Views of George W. Bush

In five pages this paper discusses George W. Bush's Christian views and his distancing himself from powerful religious public figu...

NCLB Act and Requirements for Special Education Teachers

a great need to make them feel a part of the overall atmosphere, while at the same time establishing a separate learning basis fro...

President George W. Bush's Decision on Stem Cell Research

Bushs intent will be better understood when we analyze the scientific and ethical considerations which are inherent in stem cell r...

Considering the Week in the Life of an American President

House portrayed the work of the president as lackadaisical. Photo opportunities generally saw the president jogging or eating a Bi...

Iraq War Justification

In four pages this paper discusses President George W. Bush's justification of the war with Iraq in a consideration of the hypothe...

Concept of Building Nations

likely yield a yes or no answer, but rather, the quest is to find out when it works. Where has it worked? Where will it work? Alth...

Bush vs. Kerry, Ideals Compared

as well as create government programs (i.e., national park maintenance) while forcing employers to offer health care benefits to e...

George W. Bush's Inability to Find WMDs and Portrayal by the Media

certain degree of sympathy with Iraq and its leaders, regardless of how barbarian those leaders have proven themselves time and ti...

NCLB and the Process of Policymaking

Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science I...

The 'Panama Affair' and Central America Involvement of the United States' Military

priority in U.S. foreign policy nor one which will occupy our immediate future. To fortify his contention, Lozado notes the speed...

President George W. Bush and the Iraq War

fight over possession of perceived value, but rather is a decision that is based on some principle such as self defense or an init...

America and its Education Commitment

In a paper consisting of three pages America's troubled educational system is examined and President George W. Bush's No Child Lef...

President George W. Bush and Reforming Social Security

existed before 1935, these were extremely minimal. Social Services, as it is known in the United States, began during a bad econom...

Social Security Privatization

in and around government: in 1950, there were fewer than a thousand lawyers in D.C., today there are 60,000; journalists increase...

Evaluating NASA's Current Problems and Possible Solutions

budget and had to deal with cost cuts, continued to have prolific ideas. It went ahead and implemented plans, but it did so on a l...

Sociology, Psychology, and Foreign Policy

In five pages whether or not foreign policy is rooted in psychology and sociology is considered in terms of Bill Clinton's Bosnian...

U.S. Antiterrorism Tactics After September 11, 2001

because of the impact they have on personal freedoms. Some proclaim, in fact that such provisions are simply another excuse for "...

George W. Bush's Proposed 2004 Federal Budget

That is an increase of $1.7 billion (2003, p.62). That represents a whopping 10% (2003, p.62) increase over the prior year. Under...