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Practicum Example for a Nursing Course

of falls in elderly chronic patients at that home. 1c. Discuss findings with supervisor/mentor. 1a. The creation of a detailed...

Nurse Patient Ratios in Patient Safety, The California Law

This nursing practicum proposal focuses on the mandated nurse-to-patient ratios that have been implemented in California. The writ...

MSN Practicum Education Project Reflection

This essay is a hypothetical example of how a nurse might choose to reflect on her MSN practicum and nursing preceptor/mentor. Thr...

MSN Summary and Evaluation

homes. Rather, it is a high-quality facility dedicated to providing the best of care to its residents. Staff members are employe...

Nursing Leadership for Today and Future

entails job commitment and a resolution to not to waste time resisting change processes simply because they contradict the way in ...

Suggestions for a Psychiatric Practicum

imagines that implementation of the practicum could take several different formats. For example, it may consist of formulating a c...

Educating Nurses on the Importance of Clean Scissors

and cleaning as a subject for education the need goes beyond the common sense approach. The recognition of the importance indicate...

Summary and Analysis of a Nursing Practicum

catheterization provides an effective method for evaluating the effectiveness of medications while also assessing cardiac function...

Experience in the Practicum

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at a counseling practicum. Skills learned during the practicum are recounted. Paper us...

A Practicum for Special Education Working with Cerebral Palsy

coursework that I have completed and the research that supports specific focal points for these areas of education demonstrate the...

Evaluating a Nursing Educational Program

The writer looks at the way in which a nursing program may be evaluated to provide instant results. The tool advocated is a self c...

Ethical Issues/Living Wills

precisely the same as for other patients. Legal responsibility for care decisions in cases where there is a living will: does the...

Reflecting on the Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program

The writer reviews a project from the perspective of a student, reflecting on the effectiveness of the project implementation. Af...

Nursing Practicum Goals

populations and fall prevention strategies. 1b. Review the home care records to identify precipitating situations leading to fal...

Personal Assessment of Healthcare Management Skills Development on an MBA Program

level of original thinking when compared to traditional management tasks (Kotter, 1990). The differences between leading people an...

Marketing a New Course

long time that it is not a product that sells, but a perception. The consumer does not buy the goods, but the benefits the goods b...

Three Discussion Questions from Week Two

therefore more attractive to those very human individuals filling its nursing positions. A mentoring program can help support tho...

School Nurse, An Observed Role

This essay is an example paper that provide the student researching this topic with an example of how the student might compose hi...

Objectives Regarding Professional Development as a Nurse Educator

In the meantime, I plan to study teaching strategies and rationale, and also expand my personal travel experiences. Today as neve...

Reflective Learning Document; Healthcare Promotion

the stage of evaluation is being one mainly concerned with health-related assessment activities so that progress can be measured a...

Importance of Evidence-Based Practice

makes the point that EBP involves more than simply utilize research evidence; and Penz and Bassendowski emphasize this point by s...

Birth Defects and Vitamin A Overuse

In five pages this paper discusses how birth defects including those involving the cranial neural crest and retinal issues can be ...

Personal Nursing Ethics

students values : This calls for personal reflection. A question that the student can ask herself/himself is how he or she might h...

Philosophy of Nursing

Nightingale as power-crazed and iron-willed. Salvage (2001) tends to believe that these criticisms of Nightingale reflect lingerin...

Nursing Manager, An Interview

This hypothetical interview provides students with an example of how an interview with a nursing manager might be described. The m...

An Example of Personal Nursing Philosophy

This essay presents an example paper that can be used as a guide to describing a personal nursing philosophy. The student's reason...

Leadership, Management Experience in 2 Nursing Environments

indicated by Carter, census also frequently plays a vital role in this regard for nursing managers. Other factors that I considere...

Family Nurse Practitioner Role

This research paper discusses the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). The writer discusses nursing meta-paradigm concepts, ...

Evaluating Web-Based Courses

As more and more higher education courses are offered Online the usability of the design and process are essential. This paper dis...

Sustainable Golf Course Management

Grass Cutting Gas consumption is an issue in golf course management, because of the extensive attention given to the grassy...