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Preventing Medication Error Change Project

for the precise coding of medication and, thereby, helps nurses avoid the common errors listed above (Woods and Doan-Johnson, 2002...

Errors in Medication and Nursing Prevention

for the precise coding of medication in order to avoid the errors listed above (Woods and Doan-Johnson, 2002). Cohen, Robinson and...

Medication Errors & Their Prevention

are able to make error reports without fear of reprisal. Nevertheless, the consequence of possible disciplinary action and repris...

An Analysis of Medication Errors

it can be catastrophic. Indeed, in England and Wales recent medication errors have resulted in thirty-seven deaths (Nursing Stand...

Medication Errors

in control of the medication. Worse, not all medication errors are reported. If the wrong medication has reached the patient, the...

Patient Safety and Human Factors

This research paper pertains to nursing errors that threaten patient safety, such as medication errors. Five pages in length, five...

Efficacy of Bar Code Medication Administration

This research paper offers a literature review of studies that pertain to bar code medication administration (BCMA) systems. The p...

BLM Case Study

rather than a windows framework of the system. Listening to the users during the development may also have allowed the out of date...

Reducing Errors in Research

necessary to choose the most appropriate method, in many cases this may include the use of screening and stratification in a numbe...

Six Images for Change

nurturer. Sharif (2010) takes this further and brings in the type of change such as intended change, partially intended, and unint...

Planned Change

likely modify it. These are unplanned changes that allow the users to use the technology more effectively (Yates, 2008). Yates ...

An Overdoes of Intravenous Medication and a Change Theory Application

while in the hospital plus the incidence of symptoms and/or disease that would have initially required use of the medication. In ...

Reducing Medical Errors

focuses on methods to reduce errors and also improve the safety will focus on individual nursing skills and adherence to protocols...

A Qualitative Assessment of Medication Errors

quantitative aspect of the research by Koppel et al. provides a very different approach to understanding the issue. The quantitat...

Critique of Bohomol, Ramos and D'Innocenzo (2009)

of a research article is "an impersonal evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the research being reviewed" (Coughlan, Cro...

Ethical Issues and Medication Errors

In five pages this paper examines medication error issues from an ethical perspective. Eight sources are cited in the bibliograph...

Middle Range Nursing Theories, Medication Error

This paper pertains to two middle range nursing theories, Kolcaba's comfort theory and nursing intellectual capital theory, and th...

Hospital Setting and Administration of Medication in a Consideration of Competence Building Through Reflection, Experience, and Training

is overwhelmingly female, though nursing also is experiencing a gender shift as more men come to the profession than at any time i...

Nursing Profession and Medication Errors

that nurse is guilty of doing something unethical. Nurses must impose a high standard of care in the office, hospital or home sett...

Nursing's Philosophical Issues

course of action is often jumbled. Is the patient cognizant enough to make the correct choices? Many issues come into play when a...

Non-punitive Nursing Culture/Medical Errors

2004). As errors are inevitable, in order to significantly reduce the rate at which they occur, it is imperative that mistakes sho...


of 5-10 years. When the couple moved to Arkansas, the patient started visiting a new family practitioner. Because the pat...

Medication Administration, Study Critique

airline research, which indicates how errors occur. Additional subtopic include the standard hospital protocol and how the "five r...

Nursing Management Issue/Medication Error

systems. The following examination of the problem of medication errors focuses on the context of mental health nursing within the ...

Organizations and Medication Errors

In six pages this paper examines the problems of medication errors within an organizational environment. Four sources are cited i...

Nursing Management and Leadership

In five pages this paper evaluates nursing management leadership simulations that include tardiness of employees personal office e...

'Applying Airline Safety Practices to Medication Administration' Article Review

establish policy guidelines. In the administration of medication, "processes have been virtually ignored in the search for EBP" (...

Medication Error Reduction Lesson Plan

deaths each year are related to medications" (Meadows, 2003). The actual number is estimated to be much higher because these kinds...

Health Care Industry and Medication Errors

potential for depression. It stands to reason, therefore, that if nurses in critical care units are experiencing higher rates of ...

Exploring the Fundamental Attribution Error

by someone else, they would likely have an external explanation handy to excuse their behavior, rather than acknowledging any mora...