YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Principle Theme of Antigone by Sophocles

Essays 1 - 30

Principle Theme of Antigone by Sophocles that we must obey in these things" (Sophocles, 2002). Antigone makes it clear in her reply t hat she is fully aware that ...

Sophocles' Antigone, Plato's Protagoras and Socrates' Principles

In five pages this paper discusses how Socrates' principles are presented in Plato's Protagoras and then provides a comparison wit...

Structure and Themes of Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper analyzes the structure, themes, and morality issues that are addressed in Antigone by Sophocles. There...

Conflict Between Antigone and Creon in Antigone by Sophocles

the Chorus suggests that it could be the work of the gods (Sophocles). Rather than consider someone elses viewpoint, Creon begins ...

Antigone's Childish Defiance and Pointless Death in the Play by Sophocles

In six pages this paper examines the childish and irrational behavior of Sophocles' female antagonist and argues that fate plays n...

Audience Identification and Tragic Catharsis in Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper defines the catharsis concept and then discusses how audiences identify with the tragic catharsis that oc...

Tragic Creon in Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper discusses how Creon represents the elements of a tragic figure in this play by Sophocles. There are 3 so...

Family Conflict Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper analyzed the family conflict experienced by father Creon and his son Haemon in Antigone and how it fits w...

First Feminist Perspective in Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper argues that Antigone is the first feminist work. There are no other sources listed....

Scene V Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages the play's final scene and how its philosophical and theological issues reflect the society of ancient Greece. Ther...

Creon's Patriotism in Antigone by Sophocles

In three pages this essay examines the patriotism of Creon who thinks he has the support of the gods in this analysis of Antigone....

Creon as an Idealist and Statesman in Antigone by Sophocles

In three pages this paper presents a character analysis of Creon in Antigone by Sophocles and discusses his roles to Zeus and to t...

Chorus Role in Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper examines how the audience is represented by the chorus in Sophocles' tragic play Antigone. Four source...

Heroism in Antigone by Sophocles

In five pages this paper argues that for readers of the 20th century Creon and Antigone appear more like victims than heroes in th...

Tragic Masterpiece Antigone by Sophocles

In seven pages this paper examines the life and works of Sophocles with the emphasis upon Antigone....

Sophocles' Antigone, Oedipus, and Heroes

In five pages this paper examines the different ways in which heroine Antigone and hero Oedipus wielded power in these plays by So...

Family's Role in Sophocles' Plays Oedipus Rex and Antigone

In five pages this paper analyzes the importance of families in these classic Greek plays by Sophocles. There are no other source...

Dysfunctional Families in Antigone and Oedipus the King by Sophocles

not have written them. Sophocles wrote "Antigone"(c. 442 B. C) and "Oedipus the King" (c. 425 B. C.) among numerous other works. ...

Antigone by Sophocles, Male and Female Power

In twelve pages Sophocles' tragedy Antigone is analyzed in terms of the representation of power in accordance to gender. Thirteen...

Homer's Penelope and Sophocles' Antigone

In seven pages this paper compares the female protagonists featured in 'The Odyssey' by Homer and Antigone by Sophocles in a cons...

Righteousness in Antigone by Sophocles

In 5 pages this paper examines righteousness and how Antigone is responding to a higher authority by breaking the law in this trag...

Sophocles' Antigone and the Character of Haemon

In five pages this paper presents a character analysis of Haemon as a reflection of wisdom and his wisdom while also serving at th...

Sophocles' Antigone and August Wilson's Joe Turner's Come and Gone

This paper focuses on tragic form as is represented by these works. Neither nobility nor commoner enjoys immunity from tragedy. ...

Business World, Morality, and Gender in Sophocles' Antigone

In six pages this classical Greek play is examined in a consideration of power, control, and gender prejudice and how the contempo...

Antigone of Sophocles and Nora of Ibsen

not a political drama, but the battle of wills between two family members -- Creon and his niece, Antigone. It does not take much ...

Religious and Individual Tensions in Othello by William Shakespeare and Antigone by Sophocles

classic confrontation between the forces of good and evil in the Christian biblical tradition. The society of ancient Greece was ...

Sophocles' Antigone

declares to Creon that the laws of heaven are "unwritten and unchanging, not of today or yesterday is their authority; they are et...

Sophocles' Antigone and Oedipus and Fortune Reversals

he has heard the dreadful prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother, Oedipus meets Laius on the road, becomes enr...

A Comparison of Two Major Characters in Literature, Sophocles' Antigone and Shakespeare's Hamlet

the king is furious at his sons interference. The king asks if the reason he has come was to save Antigone. His foreknowledge, whi...

Gender Portrayals in Homer's 'The Iliad' and Sophocles' Antigone

of Helen of Troy in marriage if she wins. This starts the war. In this we see that the war is being fought over a woman, Helen, c...