YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Prison Reform and the Confusion of Conflicting Laws

Essays 1 - 30

Prison Reform and the Confusion of Conflicting Laws

In five pages the ways in which conflicting laws contribute to confusion regarding prison reform are examined within the context o...

The Importance of Prison Reform

Indeed, the law is not perfect, which is why the average citizen should care about the prison system. Even if they do not break th...

Evaluating the Fairness of Megan's Law

headline: "High-Risk Sex Offenders Identified: Post Reporter, 2 Ridge Residents on List" (Sheppard, 1997, p. 37). On July 7, Mei...

Law Enforcement, Prison Overcrowding and Privatization :

While the region was relatively rural and it ultimately existed on the outskirts of the county, with many dirt roads and limited a...

Overcrowding in German Prisons

one third during this period ("Where is"). While this increase differed in severity between German states, all states experienced ...

Do Any Objectives Set In Operations Management Automatically Create Conflict?

outputs would not sell and the organisation would not survive. The resource utilisation objective sees the firm trying to a...

Reforming Corporate Law and English Company Law Modernization

been tackled (Card et al, 1998). In the recent white paper it is also only this area which has received attention, stating that if...

Three Strikes Law in California

of those that opponents to the law point to as evidence its injustice. In 1995, Andrade was arrested for shoplifting $84 worth of ...

Prison Violence

home (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2001). Those who live in poverty have always been the victims of the most violenc...

Criminal Justice V

offender and his history at the time of his arrest. Protection of society. This goal of sentencing is to remove the offend...

HIV in the California Prison System

economic and historical issues surrounding the problem of HIV in prison. Perhaps one place to start is to look at the overall pro...

Integrating Information about Violence in Prisons

2009). During this incident, 32 inmates and 11 guards were killed. In 1980 there was a riot in a prison in New Mexico that took ...

Challenges for the Criminal Justice Administrator

executive officer (CEO) of a small corporation (Dennis, 1999). For example, a "typical medium security prison houses 1,300 inmates...

Prison Overcrowding, as a Flaw in Criminal Justice

This paper focuses on prison overcrowding as an ethical issue that affects the American criminal justice system Three pages in len...

Overcrowding of Prisons

Building the new prison was supposed "expunge a stigma" from the state, and "Maine officials expected the savings in operating exp...

Streamlining, the Law, and Contract Termination

In five pages a labor relations perspective is offered in a consideration of contradictory government laws for the purpose of stre...

Considering Three Strikes

ten years older.) (Allenye, 1996; Reynolds, 1995). It is commonly believed by those who frown upon the Three Strikes Law that alm...

The Need for Reform and Three-Strikes Sentencing

not violate the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment (Samaha, 2011). Ewing was sentence to 25 years to l...

English and U.S. Prisons

Sasse, 2007). Type of system/Management: One of the most important differences between the two countries, and once which has a di...

Overcrowding, A Principal Prison System Challenge

This research paper offers an overview of literature relating to overcrowding in the US prison system. The topics covered include ...

Penal Injustices and Morality Theory

This paper contends the US prison system is a moral hubris and deserved of significant ethical reform. There are three sources in...

Prison Issues as They Pertain to Female Prisoners

This research paper consists of six pages and considers abuses in the prison system with regards to women's treatment with such is...

Reform and Prisons

This paper consists of six pages and considers the lack of success with reforming the prison system in a consideration of perpetua...

Contents of Speech for Fictitious Candidate Jeff 'W.' McIllwain

In eleven pages prison reform and racism issues are addressed by a fictitious candidate in the year 2011 a year after the stock ma...

Eighteenth Century Social Reformer John Howard

In nine pages this research paper discusses John Howard's 18th century prison reform efforts. Five sources are cited in the bibli...

A US Prison Reform History

"prisons" from where people never emerged; the most famous being the Bastille of Paris, France, scene of the French Revolution. Th...

Austin H. MacCormack and Thomast Mott Osborne

hesitate to say what he believed and never compromised" (Thomas Mott Osbornes Within Prison Walls). In 1913, Osborne "was appoi...

Case Study on Prison Reform

care is a basic survival need. Without adequate health care, they could and sometimes do die. There is empirical evidence that the...

Different Perspectives on the Prison System

prisoners when they went into the courtroom resulting in the death of the judge, the main perpetrator and others (CACC Newsletter,...

Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study

also learned that Paul typically reacted negatively to anyone who questioned him. Julie investigated further to gain insight int...