YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Program to Promote Good Mental Health in a Refugee Community

Essays 31 - 60

Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

This research team selected homeless adolescents as the focus for their study. While, in general, the concept that informed parent...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5

This is the manual mental health care professionals use for diagnostic and informational purposes. The manual lists mental health ...

The Elderly and Mental Health

This essay presents a discussion on mental health practice and the elderly, focusing on the biases of the student as a mental heal...

Affordable Healthcare in Australia

can only be expected to escalate in the near future. Therefore, issues of affordability, in relation to equitable healthcare servi...

Hand Hygiene Programs and Health Care Organization

structure is never easy, except for at the very formation of that organization. To come into a pre-existing organizational environ...

A Program to Reduce Overweight Kids

The prevalence of obesity has increased across the world over the last three decades. Effective programs to curb and prevent overw...

Mental Health Therapy Options, Maintenance of Treating Mental Health Issues, and Cost Effective Measures

Cost-Effective Mental Health Care a) 12-Step Self-Help Group Therapies Researchers at the Stanford University School...


this is the ubiquitous "sticky note." We see these everywhere, and theyve become an important part of paperwork. But the original ...

Workplace and Health Care Promotion

In fourteen pages this paper discusses the potential benefits to the workplace of successfully promoting programs of health care. ...

History and Progress of Community Policing

In seven pages community policing is considered in terms of history and impact of 1994's Crime Act that established a COPS grant p...

Community Elders and Depression

In five pages this mental health consideration focuses upon the community problem of depression among senior citizens. Eight sourc...

Community Mental Health Practice and Communication

to three days more than 20 years ago. We ruefully joke that some managed care plans only allow new mothers to be hospitalized on ...

Low Budget Community Mental Health Center and Reduction of Case Loads

follow when attempting to improve the system. Some of the most common complaints from patients include the feeling of being shuff...

African Americans and the Lack of Mental Health Resources In African-American Communities Has Created A Mental Health Crisis, Especially The Incarceration Of African-American Males

for decades to be a disease of the insane, mental conditions like depression that intensify juvenile delinquency have finally been...

Nursing Hybrid Program

to gain experience as a member of the health care team. At the end of the two years, some students will have earned 14 college cr...

Evolution of Clinical Psychology

This essay describes what clinical psychology is, reasons it had to evolve, the effects of the community mental health movement, a...

Glenwood Resource Center Quality Measures

sets for itself for assistance in achieving its mission include customer focus, excellence, accountability and teamwork (Strategic...

Therapeutic Relationship Between Nurse and Client

36). Both a therapeutic and social relationship are featured in the film Good Will Hunting (1997). The protagonist in the film, ...

Mental Retardation & Psychopathology

mental illness. One area of practice where this factor in Christian psychiatric practice may prove effective is in regards to the...

Proposal for a Project to Tackle Obesity in Adolescents

need to be the skills, including cooking skills, the ability to design menus, and the approaches taught also need to be available ...

Mental Health Services in Rural Communities

use. At the same time, the focus on methods for the provision of services is limited and clinical outpatient programs are infrequ...

Planning for a Pandemic Health Care Oversight in Western Kentucky

but society as a whole. Businesses, organizations, and even the government itself could flounder in the face of such a severe pro...

Community Obesity and Health Promotion

his ideal weight yet less than that which takes his BMI past the boundary for obesity (Fontanarosa, 1998). Either condition is a ...

Topics in Community Health Nursing

definitions of community have emerged, with the consequence that, concurrently, definitions of health promotions have also evolved...

Issues in Health Care

to focus more upon running smooth production rather than customer needs. By skewing the focus in this way, health care organizati...

Understanding Health - Two Approaches

Medicine has shifted from the Cartesian way of viewing illness, injury and disease as components of a machine-like body to one whi...

Importance of Recreation Programs for Students Who Are At Risk

of social acceptance. Their counterparts often unknowingly make them feel inadequate and worthless when it comes to achievement o...

Mental Health Programs and Questionnaires

developed and administered properly. Where surveys can fall flat is when respondents cant be bothered to respond because the surve...

President John F. Kennedy's 1963 Community Mental Health Law

a problem that is difficult to define adequately. There is much competition in the health field, and in the mental health field t...

Mental Health Services and Recovery Focus Programs

know that back then. Back then we shut people away. We didnt understand mental illness, we just put them out of sight"(Sawyer). ...