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Prohibitions Against Gay Marriage are Just

opposite sex. There is, in fact, a federal law (the Defense of Marriage Act) that prohibits such marriages (Hotakainen, 2009). ...

In Opposition to Gay Marriage

is linked to moral, religious and political views about the legalities involved in gay marriage and the sanctioning of gay and les...

Gay Marriage

since the beginning of time. In fact, one could likely argue that in many cultures it has been, and is, far more prevalent than it...

Against Same Sex Marriages

is what distinguishes us and allows us to distinguish ourselves from other animals and, in the future, from intelligent machines" ...

Opposing Same Sex Marriages Within a United Methodist Church Context

measure of repetition. According to information from the United Methodist News Service (05-09-00), the issue has come up at every ...

Opposing Laws Against Gay Marriage

marriage is accused of being unlike heterosexual unions apart from the gender. All the moral hypocrites who fuel the controversy ...

"Option Four" By Ramesh Ponnuru: Review

plays a role in mandating its recognition as a union, will it automatically segue into an issue of rights that have been heretofor...

Why Same Sex Marriage Should be Legal in the New Millennium

Not only are Christians against the idea that the sacrament of marriage be allowed for homosexuals, but the issue also permeates J...

Against Gay Marriage

no difference whatsoever" (Dowd, 2007, p. 36). Hillary Rodham Clinton was opposed to gay marriage but now considers herself "evolv...

Gay Marriages - Arguments For and Against

barred from as the result of a ban on gay marriage, and for many this is simply unfair. More fundamental, however, are the argumen...

U.S. and Gay Rights

in case state law would attempt to implement it. While that never came to fruition, some states already have laws on the books ban...

Opposing Viewpoints on Prohibition

The writer examines two opposing viewpoints on Prohibition. Billy Sunday preached in favor of it and against alcohol as evil while...

Same-Sex Marriage

right of same-sex couples to marry and New Jersey has granted these couples the "legal equivalent of marriage" (Hull, 2007, p. 748...

Argument Against Gay Marriage

In fifteen pages this paper presents a moral and social argument against gay marriage in a consideration of various issues to supp...

Argument Against Sanctioning Gay Marriage

homosexuality was not a lifestyle in the eighteenth century. Rather, having sex with someone of the same gender was something that...

Argument Against Gay Marriage

to everyone, therefore, nobody is denied equal protection of the laws that exist (Benne and McDermott, 2004). Activists also argu...

Marriage in the Literature of the English Restoration

In six pages this paper discusses how marriage and the juxtaposing of gender roles are featured in the English restoration works i...

Gay Marriage

do not want marriage legalized for homosexuals. Bolte (1998) explains: " Many of those in the gay and lesbian rights movement who ...

Marriage Rights, Medical Benefits, and Gay Marriage

It is becoming more and more apparent that the bonds of love go just as deep as heterosexual bonds; in fact, homosexual couples ar...

The Boys Scouts in Litigation

they affirmed their intention to found a Christian nation under God.1 Historian Frank Lambert refers to these men as the "Puritan ...

Proposition 22 in California

and a woman is valid and recognized in California - but complex legal and moral issues lay beneath the surface. There are some wh...

Gay Discrimination is Wrong

immediately discounts any justification for same-sex marriage that appeals to individual "rights" (Jordan 414). He justifies this ...

Am I Gay?

psychotherapy at their laboratories in St. Louis (Homosexuality: Help for those who want it, 1979, p. 275). Masters and Johnson cl...

The Physical Realm According to Rene Descartes

examine carefully Descartes famous "cogito ergo sum" statement, which was the original Latin for "I think, therefore I exist" - or...

The Effect of Prohibition on the Roaring 20s

Indeed, the impact Prohibition has had on social change, both then and now, is nothing short of monumental. Its existence forced ...

Out In The Redwoods/An Oral History

spent the first part of this life trying to conform. At the age of 32, he was still not openly gay. He said, "For me, coming out, ...

Misunderstanding Homosexuality and Gay Relationships from Psychological, Biological, and Social Perspectives:

of development and socialization. For Freud, homosexuality in men appeared to be an example of a phenomenon he labeled as inversi...

Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Prohibition

that it controlled a bipartisan majority of more than two-thirds in each house of Congress by 1916" (Lacey, 2005, p. 45). The arg...

Post September 11 Elementary Schools in New Jersey

with the family. Of course, the other side of the coin is that this event is the first time--aside from Pearl Harbor--that America...

In Favor of Same-Sex Marriage - With Qualifications

define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The same debate in mostly-liberal Vermont several years ago resulted in ...