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Essays 91 - 120

Task List Creation

In three pages the use of Microsoft Project in the creation of an information technology project involving a home health agencies ...

IT Project Assessments

of scoring with the scores weighted to reflect the needs of the business. We will assess each individual and then compare the scor...

University Healthcare Call Center Construction and Implementation

nurse desk or to another location for prescription refill. Messages are recorded on paper message pads, after which the message i...

Project Management and the Subject of Risk

identified, evaluated and controlled." (Shildon Town Council, 2008). However the way that this is achieved in the context of proje...

Questions About Project Management Articles

all can be outlined and appreciated. For example, if this is a project for a new supermarket it may include all elements from the ...

Project Management Theory and Concepts

approaches that need to be considered, this can include the concept of project management and a framework for the stages as well a...

Project Assessment

is assumed that the 1/12 carried forward is at the previous years rate. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Operating cos...

The Importance of Estimation in a Project

great deal of value can be gained from historical data, therefore a potentially valuable source of input into project management, ...

Successful Project Management

local health authority, local health care providers, including the health visitors who will be incorporating visits to the SureSta...

Influence Peddling: The K Street Project

Public Citizens Congress Project (Chaddock, 2003). According to Clemente, "The revolving door is becoming more comfortably establi...

Examining a Capital Investment for Engineering Products PLC

there may also be other strategic considerations that should be taken into account, for example the way in which a product may sup...

Project Planning, Scheduling and Control by James P. Lewis

In six pages this paper analyzes Lewis's project management text. There are no other sources listed....

Future Accounting Projections and Medical Care

In five pages this student submitted case study projects future medical accounts with Microsoft Excel and analyzes how they may be...

Identifying Risk

in which it can be recognized. One or more factors will change with the advancement of the clock, changing the entire identified ...

Unihost and Raising Capital

to the case this was the 1997 profit margin so is a good guide. Now we can look at the income from each of the projects, the incom...

Research Project Proposal on Web Based Learning

Web based learning programs and the suitability of various types of personality are the focus of this proposed research project co...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...

Control, NPV and Accounting Rate of Return

Year 3 1,600,000 1.65 2,646,000 1.10 1760000 4,406,000 Year 4 1,600,000 1.74 2,778,300 1.10 1760000 4,538,300 With this informati...

Financing and Investment Questions

impact of time. A high growth potential may be seen in firms that are currently performing badly, or may have a low level of asse...

Summary and Analysis of a Nursing Practicum

catheterization provides an effective method for evaluating the effectiveness of medications while also assessing cardiac function...

Risk in Project Management

be used for any project. A team is put together with experts from a range of disciplines that will have knowledge of some part of ...

Dialysis Profitability

procedure in which an individuals blood flows into a hemodialysis machine where it is filtered and "cleaned" of impurities and tox...

The Impact of Employee Performance Assessments on Employee Commitment

The writer presents a project to assess the way in which performance assessments or appraisals may impact on the level of commitme...

Proposition for Human Resources Development

in employee skills often threatens an employees sense of importance within the existing business structure (Luthens et al, 1999). ...

Assessing the Market With a Demand Curve's Positive Slope

consumer demand for Pepsi Cola would rise due to what is called in the economic sector the "substitution effect" (Dyer, 2000; http...

Student's Graduate Study Statement of Self Assessment

Similarly, the student can add a leadership statement worded along the lines of: I am aware of the difficulties of putting researc...

Buying or Purchasing Products or Services Decisions

In seven pages this paper considers whether a marketing project should rely upon in house goods and services or purchase them else...

Issues Concerning the Turnkey Electrostatic Precipitator Development

An overview of the turnkey electrostatic precipitator development and NSPS regulation requirements are considered in a paper consi...

Aligning Project Performance with Key Performance Indicators in the Public Sector

the community, with the role being fulfilled with integrity, sound judgement and common sense (Anonymous, 1996, p.xii). The role...

Children with Disabilities and a Health Promotion Program

of developing healthy habits in children with the expectation that these habits will continue throughout life (2003). The high rat...