YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Project Assessment at Volkswagen of America

Essays 181 - 210

Administration of Ronald Reagan and Its Latin American Foreign Policy

In four pages this paper discusses Reagan's foreign policy on Latin America as depicted in an article by Carothers....

American Landscaping

the Old World origins of their culture - but they were attracted to the nature of the New World" (Introduction to the History of G...

Waterways in Early America

can see that clearly the rivers were used to transport goods and products across or through a great portion of early America. As t...

Article Analysis: Two Ways to Belong to America

Security to legal resident aliens. It was, thankfully, defeated, but it opened up an angry dialogue between the sisters on their d...

HIV Prevention for Youth in Rural Areas

sex (Dunn, et al, 2007). Statistics, such as this, indicate the clear need for HIV prevention programs that specifically target ad...

Project Management Questions

This 14 page paper answers four questions set by the student examining different areas of project management. The first answer def...

Immigration In The US Colonial Era

French Huguenots, African slaves, Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese.v South Carolina, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Virginia and M...

Project Risk Management

of the channel (Franklin, 1993). Getting specialist equipment made and delivered but also the provision of services to use the t...

Project Management Problems; A Case Study

a to do list and this looks at the different tasks that will need to be performed and by whom. The basic misunderstanding of the n...

Internet Technology Project Management and 'Bricks and Mortar' Projects

myriad meetings discussing what individuals might want to use the building for, or trying to anticipate how the building can be ex...

Risk and a Work Project's Breakdown Schedule

4 weeks * Team prepares RFP for technology and installation * Team determines a select list of vendors to query. This requires res...

Educational Excellence Project Plan Project Tasks

and nonfiction, will be purchased to lend to students as well as to give to students. Duration is two days. There should be no rea...

A Better Intervention Program for Smokers

Research has confirmed that nicotine addiction is at least as strong as heroin addiction. This means that it is at least as hard t...

Learning Plan Development

see each other clearly (Lloyd, 1997). Students present represent half of a regular education class, selected according to no part...

Project Management and Ethics

a tool to help prevent crisis (Jacobs, 1999). There are many tools advised for the prevention of crisis, and whilst many my advo...

Project Life Cycle Phases

process is finished and documented (2004). It is at this point that the finished product is transferred to the control of the user...

Project Stages and Communication Types

to introduce the idea, however it is more likely to be undertaken with a multicast communication in a direct manner, such as a pre...

Caribbean Restaurant Business Plan

prior to deciding to open his own Caribbean restaurant. The owner began as a waiter and worked his way up to manager. The owner al...

Research Project Design

models already studied, or other ideas that have been developed, can be applied to their own unique situation, primary research ha...

Business Studies' Project Reflective Learning Document

In twenty four pages this business studies' project's reflective learning document includes learning theories such as those by Lew...

Targets and Goals

the greens, and ensure that these licenses will be granted. Parallel to this visits to other golf courses should also take...

Project Manager's role in Acquisitions and Mergers

managers need to be committed to their missions, while having a long-term and big-picture perspective when it comes to such merger...

A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

looking for ways to increase turnover and profit and increase competitive advantage. E-commerce has been seen as a tool that may e...

Information Technology Project Organization

expected for a full product launch, for the temporary nature of the program and the limited quantities with which we will be worki...


For example, goggling the term "time management" brings up approximately 10 million sources from which to start. One of the source...

Knowledge and Success Factors in Project Management

and measurement. This is an initiating point and is errors are made here subsequent processes will have the potential of compoundi...

Issues in Systems Development

may be managed and the actual management of the project through to the design. Each of these can be considered with the various el...

Capital Budgeting Case Study

but unlikely to be used alone, the company will also want to look at the potential for profit. The payback period is also a tool t...

Raising Capital For Renewable Energy Investments

In order to consider this difficulty the first stage is to consider the concept of project finance. Project finance is a structure...

Steps in Managing Projects

available to the project team (Reh, 2010). Resources include time, people, money, equipment, space, and whatever else is needed. O...